Sorry to hijack the thread: I read all the dialogs there but did not feel disturbed or upset or anything, really. Should I be worried? Should I check doctor? Or will it come naturally later when (if) I have my own kids?
You probably have an understanding that the world has always been full of predators and that children shouldn't be having conversations with random strangers, so there's nothing for you to be shocked about. We were told not to do that as kids, but today we're handing children the keys to adulthood by giving them iPads not even before they're a year old.
The fact that there are people preying on children over the internet is disturbing, but I don't find it surprising. I'm not upset in the visceral sense because I can't keep that feeling up for something that has been a matter of fact about the world since time immemorial.
The fact that you are posting this suggests your ethics are good.
The way people engage ethical questions is very complex. One way of looking at this is along the emotion vs. logic spectrum. Both strategies work, but have different advantages and require different feedback loops to improve. But it is our collective responsibility to engage those feedback loops as much as possible (which you're doing by your posting, which I think took courage).
On this particular issue it seems you're more towards the logic end. That's fine. If that makes you uncomfortable, that's ok. Dig a little but don't judge yourself - this only hurts the process.
At the end of the day, in the words of Batman: "It's not who you are that defines you, it's what you do."
Edit, for anecdata: I lost a parent to disease early in life, and it took me years to come to terms with the fact that I very rarely feel any emotion about it. Interestingly, I find my reaction changed with age.
You either are worried or not. Being worried about not being worried is a bit too meta. :)
I'm not that worried either. This issue is already being discussed quite widely, children will get educated, etc.
Naked/sexual images aspect doesn't disturb me much, what disturbs me is the manipulation/secrecy/blackmail aspect, and attempts at real life contact. Both is hopefully preventible with educating children on how to treat the internet, and how to keep their privacy, and how to recognize danger and deal with it. Newer generations of parents will have more clue about this, and will be able to prepare their children for this better.
From what I've heard so far about the issue, and given how widespread this is, I have a theory that children get targeted more, simply because they are more likely to give attention to people giving them some attention and simple adoration.
If you worried about everything that didn't affect you, then you would need to see a doctor because basically at that point you shut down.
There are an infinite number of things in the world that are troublesome, that don't affect you. You do not want to let it take over your life. I have a friend with severe anxiety and he worries over everything that doesn't involve him or that is inconsequential. He is absolutely miserable because of it. You do not want to be like that.
No. You are normal. Not everybody reacts the same, modern humans have been in the planet for 250k years facing wars, devastation, famine, lynching , rape, murder, etc and they have always prevailed. Nature does not have trigger warnings or jazz hands.
If all of Bob's friends were disgusted by a video of a kitten being killed and thought the killer was a monster, but Bob was indifferent to the video, Bob might wonder if he was somehow more like the killer than any of his friends, and perhaps worry about that instead.