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Which is kind of what Ford did decades ago with the Pinto fuel tank & rear end design; not with patents, but with injuries & deaths.

Kind of backfired. After several dozen people burned to death in what should have been unremarkable rear-end collisions, it was revealed that Ford had deliberately declined to implement redesigns for safety in favor of just handling the claims because they estimated the costs would be lower (to pay claims vs implement redesign). The subsequent cases set several precedents & provoked reforms.


Similarities between the two end up at "businesses write stuff off as costs of doing business instead of dealing with them up front". One can't just transfer moral judgment from one to the other.

I made no claim that there was any more link than dealing with it as a cost-benefit calculation instead of properly sorting the problem up front.

I was not implying any moral judgement transfer, only the similarity of bad results of failing to deal with issues up front.

Too bad the videos were staged. While not a great design, it was not the disaster you proport. 2 tv shows were found to have faked fires. Fake news is not new.

You are thinking of a different incident with their Trucks in the 2000s, not the Pinto issue from the 1970s/80s.

Failure to get accurate information before spouting off is apparently also not new.

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