As I recall, there was a time when Google Maps showed native names and glyphs, with english/latin "subtitles". I liked it. And I hoped it was the start the new way this would be handled. Regrettably not.
Not particularly minding this since the area was settled by Swedes in the late 13th Century, and a trading town established as "Helsingfors" in 1550 under the rule of King Gustav I of Sweden. The new name "Helsinki" -- a Finnish-sounding modification of "Helsinge" -- was chosen in 1819 under the rule of Tsar Alexander I as part of the Russian occupier's process of erasing Swedish presence and influence in Finland. The city had fallen to the Russian invaders in 1808; a new town name of "Alexandria" was considered in 1812; maybe you should demand we call it that, and write the name in Cyrillic.
Do you mind that SVT doesn't say Helsinki or that it doesn't call Bejing after its proper name εδΊ¬?