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Not at all, but they are a defining feature of the "heavy" frameworks being discussed. (And one of the main selling points of Sails is their rather poor ORM.)

If you're working on Python, there's a lot to recommend both Django and Flask, but if you're not interested in an ORM, it's hard to see why you'd pick Django; most of it's killer features (eg, the admin) are tightly coupled the the ORM. Django without an ORM is basically just a slower Flask with an uglier configuration, and that's really saying something!

If you don't find ORMs important, you're not alone, but you're probably not the target audience for Sails or Rails. :)

> If you don't find ORMs important, you're not alone, but you're probably not the target audience for Sails or Rails.

True. I used to use rails for my job and I never liked it. To much complexity and to much forcing you to do things a certain way. Which is not necessarily a bad thing - I dont like it.

Ive used ramaze for a very long time and Iam about to switch to hanami and/or vue.

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