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> The man advocated buying houses for the homeless. How economically illiterate can you get beyond that?

Homelessness in the UK is not a problem of lack of housing, but of lack of suitable council controlled housing with facilities suitable for caring for homeless people - the vast majority of homeless people are not homeless because they couldn't find a house, but because they have been unable to deal with a life situation that often include mental illness.

But to your concern over changing outcomes: To bring people back out of homelessness on an ongoing basis, then yes, putting a roof over their head is on one hand treating symptoms, on the other hand it is also typically an essential first step:

Getting people back into work and getting people mentally back on track is generally far easier once they have a stable living situation and a fixed address - a lot of homeless people get into a cycle where they become homeless and as a result of becoming homeless find it hard to hold down jobs and near impossible to get new ones, because finding a job without having a fixed address and without having somewhere to clean yourself and clean your clothes and so on is far harder.

So my impression from the way you raised that question is that you don't understand the problem. Having a housing provision to offer is essential.

> Primarily because he has not attacked any pro-Brexit policies and he is not opposing the main political goal of the opposition. The country effectively doesn't have an opposition.

The Labour manifesto makes it clear carrying out Brexit is official policy. If he were to go against the manifesto, he'd be violating his duties. He's not a dictator, and his job is to push for the policies set by the party conference and the national policy forum., not to be a loose cannon pushing his own agenda. It's beyond ironic how many people want Corbyn to act like a dictator, especially after how much effort he spent on arguing for increasing party democracy.

It sucks that it's official policy, but the political reality is that both the Tories and Labour would be guaranteed a loss if pushing Remain at this point given the number of marginals that are Leave heavy.

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