We'll review applications and get back to you at the end of the day on November 2.
I've seen others mention a rejection email (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11495), but I didn't get one last round. Are rejection emails only for those who had interviews and got rejected or should everyone receive an email? I searched for the answer, but didn't find it.
edit: I searched my email and found a rejection from '09, but definitely didn't receive one from Summer '10.
I just went and looked and your 2010 application was a late application. We didn't send individual "no" emails to late applications; we just posted something on HN saying that we'd now talked to all the people we were going to from the late applications.
Incidentally, the odds of getting accepted are much lower for applications after the deadline.
Thanks for taking the time to check, much appreciated.
Incidentally, the odds of getting accepted are much lower for applications after the deadline.
I was working on something else when the application period opened and wasn't considering applying. A few months later, I was free and started working on the idea when the application period was extended, so I applied knowing the chances were low.
Is there any merit in reapplying a late submission (with some improvements in my case) or would you say those applications have already been vetted? I imagine it's the latter since it seems to be more about the team than the idea.
I've seen others mention a rejection email (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11495), but I didn't get one last round. Are rejection emails only for those who had interviews and got rejected or should everyone receive an email? I searched for the answer, but didn't find it.
edit: I searched my email and found a rejection from '09, but definitely didn't receive one from Summer '10.