Thanks for taking the time to check, much appreciated.
Incidentally, the odds of getting accepted are much lower for applications after the deadline.
I was working on something else when the application period opened and wasn't considering applying. A few months later, I was free and started working on the idea when the application period was extended, so I applied knowing the chances were low.
Is there any merit in reapplying a late submission (with some improvements in my case) or would you say those applications have already been vetted? I imagine it's the latter since it seems to be more about the team than the idea.
Incidentally, the odds of getting accepted are much lower for applications after the deadline.
I was working on something else when the application period opened and wasn't considering applying. A few months later, I was free and started working on the idea when the application period was extended, so I applied knowing the chances were low.
Is there any merit in reapplying a late submission (with some improvements in my case) or would you say those applications have already been vetted? I imagine it's the latter since it seems to be more about the team than the idea.