You mentioned that the feedback you've received has always suggested that you're a great candidate, but they see you in a different role. What kind of role is it? And, is it possible that that role really may be a better fit for you?
If so, you have a choice. Either change careers or try to take corrective action and become a better fit for a PM gig.
Good luck and again, I'm very sorry. Feel free to email me - my address is in my profile.
You mentioned that the feedback you've received has always suggested that you're a great candidate, but they see you in a different role. What kind of role is it? And, is it possible that that role really may be a better fit for you?
If so, you have a choice. Either change careers or try to take corrective action and become a better fit for a PM gig.
Good luck and again, I'm very sorry. Feel free to email me - my address is in my profile.