Thought HN was full of health nuts for whom the effects of blue light on circadian rhythms, endocrine function, and brain function are second only perhaps to gut microbiota in terms of actionable health breakthroughs?
Point being, have you considered that your "night owl" tendencies are an artificial condition caused by too much electronic device exposure late at night, and that a change in lifestyle might do you good?
I use f.lux. Cuts out most of the blue spectrum. But being a night owl is not the only reason I get more done. No one bothers me at midnight. No one calls or texts or emails. I'm left to my own thoughts. Add to that the fact that people have been describing themselves as night owls since before electric lighting was invented, I don't think that is a full explanation.
I have total blackout curtains in my rooms. My circadian rhythm has no idea if it's 12 noon or 12 midnight. I don't think anything magical happens to make it unhealthy for me to wake up at 9 am Pacific time vs 9am eastern.
If you exclude the position of the sun, then what bearing would chronology have? As long as you are on a consistent cycle with sufficient sleep, it wouldn't make any sense to think your body cares either way. To say otherwise would deduce that moving from one time zone to another forever puts you at odds with your circadian rhythm.
Point being, have you considered that your "night owl" tendencies are an artificial condition caused by too much electronic device exposure late at night, and that a change in lifestyle might do you good?