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If you like to be so generous and open hearted, and genuinely believe that most people are just like you, why exactly would you oppose crowfunded services?

Because I think it put in plain sight that no, most people do not want that. I for one do not want to ride next to people who can physically harm me. I would love a "club" model for public transportation where members who don't play nice could be excluded from this club, and which would only use members money instead of subsidies.

TLDR: do what you want with your money, I'll do what I want with mine. We will belong to different clubs providing different public transportation. Just don't force me to join your club by forbidding mine.

(edit: downvote is not for indicating disapproval in case I hurt your feelz. If you believe I am wrong, please explain how and why)

Please don't go on about downvotes. This site has multiple rules against that (https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html), and it takes discussions off topic (as per the replies below).

We detached this subthread from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13198727 and marked it off-topic.

I am not downvoting you, but there are serious flaws in your 'club' model. For one, there is nothing stopping people from doing your 'club' model right now; anyone can start a bus company, create memberships, and have criteria for who gets to ride on the bus. There aren't a lot of them, but ride share companies exist. If you don't want to use public transport, you are free to use one of them.

Second, not everyone can afford to pay as much as a 'club' bus would cost. While you might think that is ok, and that people who can't afford it on their own don't deserve to be transported places, a lot of us disagree with that. We think that even poor people deserve to be able to get to work, to get to the store, and to move around.

You aren't personally/individually wrong in wanting this, I get the sentiment, but if everybody started thinking and wanting this, the emergent effects would be a step backwards for society. This may not change your mind, but you can at least think about that.

FYI, I'm downvoting you for the "hurt your feelz" business. This isn't Reddit.

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