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It's happened in Ruby and Python as well—so if you hate it stay away from dynamic web languages with low entry levels.

Exactly. Hardcore languages like C++, Lisp, Haskell, etc. should be safe for a little while longer. SJW presence seems to be inversely proportional to the degree of rigor required to use a language.

What do you think happened in Lambda Conf this year? no community is safe from this warfare.

Frankly, I see this comment as more offensive than what has been dragged out out on Crockford.

I'm going to start using brainfuck for everything.

It just goes to show that SJW bullshit is what happens when you've solved all your real problems. The JS people got tired of making frameworks every three weeks, so now everything is some kind of oppression.

People who use other languages have real problems.

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