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1. What's the best SaaS starter kit?
110 points by ochysp on Oct 6, 2021 | 61 comments
2. Show HN: Should I Get a House? a better rent vs. buy calculator (shouldigetahouse.com)
203 points by alach11 on July 19, 2021 | 410 comments
3. LuckysheetServer – Google Sheets-like realtime collaborative spreadsheet (github.com/mengshukeji)
100 points by alexliu518 on Dec 1, 2020 | 32 comments
4. How to Recalculate a Spreadsheet (lord.io)
298 points by todsacerdoti on Nov 9, 2020 | 72 comments
5. Most-favorited Hacker News posts (observablehq.com)
1266 points by tlarkworthy on Sept 2, 2020 | 259 comments
6. How to deploy a React app for free (logrocket.com)
155 points by walter12 on Aug 18, 2020 | 66 comments
7. I made a robot to cut my hair with scissors [video] (youtube.com)
560 points by thdrdt on July 15, 2020 | 114 comments
8. Which firms profit most from America’s health-care system (2018) (economist.com)
122 points by SQL2219 on July 4, 2020 | 161 comments
9. An Example Data Backend Service (draftbit.com)
1 point by pkilgore on June 8, 2020 | 1 comment
10. Ask HN: What are your favorite low-coding apps / tools as a developer?
1081 points by sureklix on April 5, 2020 | 280 comments
11. Show HN: SaaS application boilerplate (github.com/saasforge)
107 points by KRains on Dec 17, 2019 | 74 comments
12. Ask HN: Successful one-person online businesses?
1474 points by gajus on Oct 23, 2019 | 657 comments
13. New universe of miniproteins is upending cell biology and genetics (sciencemag.org)
296 points by furcyd on Oct 17, 2019 | 115 comments
14. Humans have salamander-like ability to regrow cartilage in joints (eurekalert.org)
245 points by mrfusion on Oct 10, 2019 | 85 comments
15. Skin cancer: Half of people surviving advanced melanoma (bbc.co.uk)
153 points by kieranmaine on Sept 28, 2019 | 64 comments
16. Show HN: Publisheet – Publish Excel sheets as interactive web pages (publisheet.com)
188 points by tiagoalves on Sept 18, 2019 | 92 comments
17. Solar Powered Raspberry Pi Camera (kaspars.net)
143 points by ingve on Aug 9, 2019 | 68 comments
18. Rent the Backyard (YC S19) wants to build a studio apartment in your yard (techcrunch.com)
92 points by meanie on July 18, 2019 | 148 comments
19. Show HN: Transform Google spreadsheets into a ready-to-embed widget table (updatefy.co)
62 points by maxigimenez on May 13, 2019 | 21 comments
20. How F5Bot Slurps All of Reddit (intoli.com)
255 points by foob on July 30, 2018 | 87 comments
21. Launch HN: Glide (YC W19) – Mobile Apps from Google Sheets
167 points by dvdsgl on Feb 14, 2019 | 70 comments
22. YC Seed Deck Template (blog.ycombinator.com)
422 points by craigcannon on March 12, 2018 | 83 comments
23. Stackblitz – Online VS Code Editor for Angular and React (stackblitz.com)
240 points by uptown on Aug 4, 2017 | 72 comments
24. Launch HN: Pagedraw (YC W18) – Compile UI Mockups to React Code
344 points by jpochtar on Feb 26, 2018 | 122 comments
25. Haemophilia A trial results 'mind-blowing' (bbc.com)
431 points by colmvp on Dec 14, 2017 | 126 comments
26. TensorFlow-World: Simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow (github.com/astorfi)
276 points by irsina on June 24, 2017 | 14 comments
27. Places to Post Your Startup or Product (breue.com)
216 points by zvanness on April 26, 2017 | 34 comments
28. TA.Gui – A tool for non-developers and business users to automate web apps (github.com/tebelorg)
149 points by tanky_frank on Feb 18, 2017 | 29 comments
29. MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars (youtube.com)
144 points by seycombi on Jan 16, 2017 | 9 comments
30. Show HN: Materia – A modern dev environment to build mobile and web applications (getmateria.com)
127 points by mehdim on Sept 8, 2016 | 43 comments

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