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MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars (youtube.com)
144 points by seycombi on Jan 16, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Slides at accompanying website


I've been messing around with their DeepTraffic simulation and reading their documentation about it at http://selfdrivingcars.mit.edu/deeptraffic/. Can anyone provide a link to a solution for the simulation (preferably with an explanation)?

The goal is to reach 65mph, which isn't too difficult of a task. The only parameters that need to be changed to reach that goal are the learning inputs (the area around the car), and the network configuration. I found that having some buffer on the sides and front are helpful in recognizing the conditions for passing a slower car. The size of the hidden layer should also be big enough to take into account the different kind of situations that can happen in the simulation.

Making it on the leaderboard takes a bit more effort. I'm struggling to figure out the insight that takes me over the 70mph mark. I've toyed with the input parameters, types of hidden layers, the weighted random moves, and learning size. It's been frustrating, and has taken me down a deep rabbit hole about reinforcement learning.

If there are any tips for getting past the 'good enough' solution, I would love to hear them.

Ironically this whole deep traffic exercise of theirs has as much to do with driving an autonomous car as the game chess has with playing soccer.

I love that part when he asks a question "is driving more like chess or more like soccer". I understand the question is rhetorical?

But generally seems like a good intro with good hype busting cautionary statements, particularly towards the end.

Exciting stuff! Thank you for publicly releasing this. Deep learning and self-driving cars are exciting spaces, and will definitely see more activity in the future.

Great intro, I enjoyed it.

Not exactly duplicate. This thread is for video link but the one you provided is the link to MIT DL self driving cars course

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