about: | 20 years linux/unix sysadmin, systems programming, architecture, devops/sre. Last 2 years focused on node.js, es6, react, redux, etc. My drive is to make results possible that weren't possible before, and to make things well-designed, beautiful, simple, secure, automated. linux/unix, C/C++, python, node.js, es6, html/css, git, react, redux, graphql, oath, REST, saltstack, postfix, bind, etc. Reach me at: hnews [at] will.systems [ my public key: https://keybase.io/wlx; my proof: https://keybase.io/wlx/sigs/ee5edGpdCOZ-9e9j3aWrp6rBgUtjoPstyXTsunAiiIA ] |