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created:July 7, 2013
about: I like HN because of the community and content. I hope I am a positive member of the community. I learned about HN from a post by Mark Zuckerberg.

About me I am disabled, but web enabled, You can see more about that at http://Chambers.PW or below. I designed a feeding tube coffee cup and wish to have it funded at some point and put in the market. It allows people who use feeding tubes to "eat" in social arenas without being self-conscience or making others uncomfortable. p37307@p37307.com

My Google Shopping Shortlist to: https://www.google.com/shopping/shortlists/l/a11661987450066619618 I guess if there can be gift registries for births, weddings, etc, there can be one for sickness.

My Bitcoin address is 1Pn474TokcXYstkkigm6WzdSm2gr24wRQd

I suffer from Parkinson's Plus Syndrome. I chronicle my health struggle on G+ primarily @ https://plus.google.com/u/0/106420735876542072423/about.

It's is sort of my end of life diary. Even though I don't have Multiple Sclerosis per say, I have demyelination as a secondary whammy, I stay connected with the MS community because for several years my probable DX was MS (Significant demyelination was the first concrete neuro finding) then all the other issues, autonomic dysfunction, etc, started.

About my Posts: I normally post to my circles and followers. However, please feel free to reshare to your circles if a posts pops out at you or moves you. Over at Facebook, I got a lot of spam comments and private messages on some posts. I assume that will change now that they charge $1.00 per private message.

Please note my grammar has taken a beaten with the onslaught of my PPS. Please note I may edit my posts, comments, etc from time to time to correct these issues. As a former newspaper editor, starting out as a proofreader and copyeditor, this is a silent side effect of this illness for me. Don't hesitate to private post me with a link to my post if you have suggested or corrections with my writing. Really. You can be my pseudo language therapist.

Paul Chambers has a rare form of Parkinson's called Parkinson's Plus Syndrome. As a result, certain autonomic functions are limited. Included in these are blood pressure and pulse, autonomic swallowing functions, requiring him to be permanently feed via a feeding tube for all food and most liquids, mobility and gait issue. Spasticity is a major problem too and heat sensitivity. I have a Baclofen Pump to better regulate his muscles. www.baclofenpump.com. In April, Paul had a Medtronic cardiac device implanted to better control, manage and examine is cardiac functions.

Bragging rights Disability Advocate, Feeding Tube survivor, heck of a nice guy.
