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created:August 7, 2012
about:https://twitter.com/bengo https://github.com/gobengo https://linkedin.com/in/benjamingoering

Founder: Permanent.Company https://permanent.company/ https://permanent.cloud/ @PermanentCPU

Permanent.Cloud is the personal cloud platform. We're building out https://Permanent.Cloud/Apps to be the best place to discover and collaborate on free cloud web apps and the open source projects behind them.

Now, you can also "Install" all of them, making Permanent.Cloud the easiest place for team leads to quickly spin up a WordPress blog, Discourse forum, Mattermost team chat, GitLab, JIRA, Cloud Bitcoin miner, etc. (any Docker container) with the click of a button.

We bill a fair fee each month based on usage, which you can easily put a cap on.

Buzzwords: TypeScript, koa, PostgreSQL, universal React, Kubernetes, AWS, Terraform

Looking to grow team and sustainability.

Also interested in what open source apps you and your startup are loving these days. e.g. GitLab w/ CI and Auto Devops is really making my life easy. Jenkins is always a winner too. What open source tools are you using every day? Which tools and apps should be in the 'starter pack' that every team can install on day one with one click?

