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created:July 2, 2018
about:I deal with stats, finance, sysadmin and networking. But you will find no email in my profile. No website either. I'm not here to sell or astroturf, but to laugh at what HN has become as a young crypto retiree へ‿(ツ)‿ㄏ

So instead, please find some copy-pasted comic gold, stuff I read here on HN that mirror my thoughts on why HNers (especially in the FAANG) hates Bitcoin : "because we ushered in a paradigm shift that makes them question if they wasted their time/life entirely and we are incredibly vocal about that, not because we want to brag (most times) but because we want you to apply your Human capital and skill set to this movement as we need so much more infrastructure to make it become what we all think it can become as its still possible to be incredibly rewarded for doing so."

"Blockchain is to Millennials what the internet was to Boomers"

"I enjoy reading comments about Bitcoin here because even without any venture backing, it achieved a bigger valuation than all of the Y Combinator companies COMBINED, yet people still think it is unstable and has no future."

"Ethereum has said they're moving from Proof of Work to Stake; I'm not surprised, given the Ethereum developers seem to abhor Work in all of its forms, including making progress on Ethereum itself"

"You say 'I can't do XYZ because I have kids and a mortgage?' - well maybe you should have thought about the long term ramifications of your actions."
