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Looking for legal options ... getting duped by iTunes descriptions ... forced to look for pirate options.

Hosting somebody else's images without arbitration. Then fall to name-calling when the owner asks for them to be taken down.

I fail to see the connection here. Care to explain?

Theft is theft is theft.

+1 for Plunker.

It confused me at first, but if you want to start a new blank plunk go to "Editor" or click here: http://plunker.no.de/edit

The UI is kind of clunky.

Clunky?! I'm only surprised that you say that because one of my goals was to try and keep the ui out of the way. I'm still trying to think of a way to have all the necessary elements while staying minimal.

Do you prefer its look when the 'responsive' styles kick in?

I just tried to use the editor again; I was going to open jsfiddle but said why not. There is no way to create a new file. I remember a while back you could at least preload a bootstrap template. All in all, I still like the editor interface but there needs to be a few controls.

The only issue with a 'clunky ui' is the homepage but that might just be a side effect of bootstrap.

On that note, I'd also like to be able to load more frameworks than just BootStrap. Here are a few suggestions:

[1] http://foundation.zurb.com

[2] http://www.getskeleton.com/

[3] http://blueprintcss.org/

[4] http://960.gs/


Hello woodall, you can add a file by clicking the plus button in the bottom left of the screen. If that button doesn't appear for you, then that's a whole other issue. Please let me know. Similarly, the minus button removes files. Double-clicking a filename lets you rename it.

Edit: Just noticed how unintuitive the position of the +/- buttons are. I'll see what I can do for Plunker 2.0

Philosophicalness: -5 Craziness: 982374982374082348912823

You guys need to get off the internet and into the real world a bit more.

If I eat before bed I experience the same thing. Didn't start happening till my senior year in college. Freaky, but fun.

My over engineered solution. Catch the bad letter and replace it with a something else(i.e. another value mapped to a separate fontface). Translate the request on the server side being sure to reencode the page if it contains a 'bad letter'.

Demo: http://christopherwoodall.com/ceasar/

Well, yeah, you could also get a proper VPN that encrypts your traffic, but that's a bit beside the point.

That's pretty impressive :)

From the looks of it, the hivemind has already taken over.

In 1 month the price will be back to, or above, the original IPO.

And how much of your own money are you putting where your mouth is on that one? If you're right, you could make a lot of money with that bet.

How much money did these people that "knew it would fail, of course!" put on shorting it when it was $35? If any of the people that "knew $38 was way too high" had done that, they'd be out counting their money on a beach, not sitting at their desk.

It's all just hindsight garbage.

This is just my prediction. In a month's time I'll read back over my comments and, hopefully, I'll see this, check, and have an answer.

This guy is too entertaining.

Looks like someone just found Camus.

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