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Clunky?! I'm only surprised that you say that because one of my goals was to try and keep the ui out of the way. I'm still trying to think of a way to have all the necessary elements while staying minimal.

Do you prefer its look when the 'responsive' styles kick in?

I just tried to use the editor again; I was going to open jsfiddle but said why not. There is no way to create a new file. I remember a while back you could at least preload a bootstrap template. All in all, I still like the editor interface but there needs to be a few controls.

The only issue with a 'clunky ui' is the homepage but that might just be a side effect of bootstrap.

On that note, I'd also like to be able to load more frameworks than just BootStrap. Here are a few suggestions:

[1] http://foundation.zurb.com

[2] http://www.getskeleton.com/

[3] http://blueprintcss.org/

[4] http://960.gs/


Hello woodall, you can add a file by clicking the plus button in the bottom left of the screen. If that button doesn't appear for you, then that's a whole other issue. Please let me know. Similarly, the minus button removes files. Double-clicking a filename lets you rename it.

Edit: Just noticed how unintuitive the position of the +/- buttons are. I'll see what I can do for Plunker 2.0

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