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This is a great explanation. To add onto this, I would imagine a lot of non-musicians would wonder whether there's a good reason for equal temperament, as most songs in every genre utilize it instead of more consonant scales (e.g., just intonation).

There are two main reasons. The first is a matter of switching between scales, as in, many songs will modulate to out-of-scale-but-mathematically-related chords. As 12TET has each scale using the same notes, one doesn't have to tiptoe around shared notes which are 'slightly' off. The second is pure convenience: using a set of notes for each key (or pushing the root note a few Hz up or down) would be a laborious process.

With that being said, an interesting direction some electronic producers take is to experiment with scales, given how ubiquitous waveforms with integer harmonics are. Here's an example from Richard D James: https://youtu.be/pTn1tmhA8L8

>the efficiency of the CLI


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I've met the Maris dude behind this. That's exactly what it is.

Meeting someone does not bestow mind-reading powers, and personal attacks are not allowed on HN.

Rate of entrepreneurship in the US has declined, and is overwhelmingly class, race, and sex based. It's borderline sociopathic to assert that it's getting easier for the little guys to compete.

Further, it is far riskier for the little guys to compete. Big corporations have been externalizing R&D risk to the state and now to entrepreneurs. Most startups fail and when they do, Goldman Sachs isn't picking up the tab, the state and entrepreneurs are.

I don't know about that, but it is flat-out psychopatic to claim that the rate of entrepreneurship in the US has declined when it has been increasing faster than ever in the past few years[1].

[1] http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=TIMELY_BDS_ISIC...

Neither of these things seem 'sociopathic' or 'psychopathic' in any way - maybe 'ignorant' or 'misinformed'?

> sociopathic ... psychopathic

I don't think either of you understand what those words mean.

Asserting that one's company hit a triple when it was born on third base is self-serving and manipulative.

You seem to be asserting that this is what most "entrepreneurship" is. Can you justify/document that assertion, or should we just take it as merely one person's opinion?

So in other words, on this subject nobody is mistaken, nobody suffers from cognitive dissonance, and all disagreement happens because those who disagree with you are manipulative liars?

Ofc entrepreneurship has gone up since 2011, silly! Gallup has some info on long-term pre-recession trends, which blow the recent slight tick upwards out of the water. http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/180431/american-entrep...

Never has it been more apparent that morality doesn't come into the equation for Facebook.

Is there something glaringly immoral about this?

Let's see him get reservations at Dorsia now!

We have reached peak HN.

Your comment is pedantic.

A school bus driver's job is to get kids from their homes to school and back. If she says her most important job is to keep the kids safe, it doesn't mean that she's not going to do her job! Instead, it means that she'll do her job in such a way that it keeps her safe, and in no way implies a conflict of interest between her job description and safety.

If that's so - and it may well be - then it is different in kind from this matter, where "safety" and liberty are, and have been, in conflict. The job of the POTUS has little do with safety, but much to do with liberty.

The POTUS is using this "my job is to keep Americans safe" line to make a very tenuous tie to a position he wants to take on solitary confinement.

Using your analogy, imagine the bus driver said "It's my job to keep the kids safe, therefore I'm going to start requiring all the kids to give me their cell phone numbers in case there's an emergency."

Could that be construed as "keeping the kids safe"? Sure, but that wouldn't necessarily make you any more comfortable with the bus driver gaining more intimate access to your children.

I know analogies are never perfect, but another nitpick with this one is that the POTUS holds a position of power and authority that you wouldn't typically have to worry about in your average bus driver, so additional scrutiny into "Just what did he mean by that?" is occasionally warranted.

Justifying the move as a step to keep America safe is the right move in this political context. America is generally fearful right now, so Obama's political adversaries will attack this move as eroding the safety the prison system attempts to maintain.

"My job is to keep Americans safe" is an acceptable justification for limiting solitary confinement. It would not be an acceptable justification for extrajudicial killings.

lmao @ ppl taking this guy seriously

Highlights from his wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Ferriss):

> In 2001, Ferriss founded BrainQUICKEN, an online nutritional supplements company which made a product that was marketed as both BodyQuick and Brain Quicken.[22] It was claimed that this product would dramatically increase short term memory and reaction speed, taking effect within 60 minutes, but these claims made about this combination of ingredients have never been scientifically validated

> Notable works: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef

> his campaigns, such as dedicating his birthday to raising funds and heading LitLiberation to increase literacy worldwide

> The New Yorker Magazine described Ferriss as "this generation's self help guru"

EDIT: all these downvotes! How doesn't he remind you of this guy?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg29TuWo0Yo

Thank you. This is interesting science, but any study backed by someone who has a history of selling pseudo-science is going to be a setback, not a step forward for scientific research.

I take him seriously. The slow carb diet from 4 Hour Body has had a huge impact on how I eat. It works and has helped 1000's of people improve their lives.

It makes me sad to see this comment here. This is precisely how pseudoscience sells and proliferates: subjective attribution of all success to the hyped bunk.

Quirk diets work because adherents accidentally get the calorie balance in the right direction by limiting/changing dietary habits. It's not the quirk, which might maybe contribute a tiny effect if it's not entirely bogus in principle. Yet people hail, "The diet works! The guru was right! All hail the Guru!"

Ask and you'll hear the exact same refrain for homeopathy, acupuncture, rhino horn powder, shark fin soup, albino body parts, ...

Yes, and well put too. Evidence seems to suggest that the placebo effect can occur even for those who know they're getting a placebo (http://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/dec/22/placebo-effec... methinks some 'conscious placebo' product could really help people without deluding them...

Ya but science backs up the ketogenic diet pretty well.

He has his flaws but at the end of the day he seems to be genuinely trying to do his part in making the world better. Just remember, some of his biggest leverage points in this task are his marketing skills.


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