> In 2001, Ferriss founded BrainQUICKEN, an online nutritional supplements company which made a product that was marketed as both BodyQuick and Brain Quicken.[22] It was claimed that this product would dramatically increase short term memory and reaction speed, taking effect within 60 minutes, but these claims made about this combination of ingredients have never been scientifically validated
> Notable works: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef
> his campaigns, such as dedicating his birthday to raising funds and heading LitLiberation to increase literacy worldwide
> The New Yorker Magazine described Ferriss as "this generation's self help guru"
Thank you. This is interesting science, but any study backed by someone who has a history of selling pseudo-science is going to be a setback, not a step forward for scientific research.
I take him seriously. The slow carb diet from 4 Hour Body has had a huge impact on how I eat. It works and has helped 1000's of people improve their lives.
It makes me sad to see this comment here. This is precisely how pseudoscience sells and proliferates: subjective attribution of all success to the hyped bunk.
Quirk diets work because adherents accidentally get the calorie balance in the right direction by limiting/changing dietary habits. It's not the quirk, which might maybe contribute a tiny effect if it's not entirely bogus in principle. Yet people hail, "The diet works! The guru was right! All hail the Guru!"
Ask and you'll hear the exact same refrain for homeopathy, acupuncture, rhino horn powder, shark fin soup, albino body parts, ...
Yes, and well put too.
Evidence seems to suggest that the placebo effect can occur even for those who know they're getting a placebo (http://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/dec/22/placebo-effec... methinks some 'conscious placebo' product could really help people without deluding them...
He has his flaws but at the end of the day he seems to be genuinely trying to do his part in making the world better. Just remember, some of his biggest leverage points in this task are his marketing skills.
Highlights from his wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Ferriss):
> In 2001, Ferriss founded BrainQUICKEN, an online nutritional supplements company which made a product that was marketed as both BodyQuick and Brain Quicken.[22] It was claimed that this product would dramatically increase short term memory and reaction speed, taking effect within 60 minutes, but these claims made about this combination of ingredients have never been scientifically validated
> Notable works: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef
> his campaigns, such as dedicating his birthday to raising funds and heading LitLiberation to increase literacy worldwide
> The New Yorker Magazine described Ferriss as "this generation's self help guru"
EDIT: all these downvotes! How doesn't he remind you of this guy?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg29TuWo0Yo