Surveillance is absolutely the purpose, overt or not. The huge push for bossware/spyware for windows in 2020+ demonstrates that the less ethical portions of industry desperately want to spy on users workstations! Eventually there will be retention laws in certain regulated industries that mandate such technologies!
Why enable this potential abuse?
Microsoft is trying to Sherlock the surveillance software industry with this!
I’d rather run North Koreas spyware Red Star Linux than Microsoft Windows.
I would suspect its much more ambitious than just peeking over your shoulder.
If you are going to try to make some new product to automate white color jobs a good way would be to sample what all the people are actually doing on windows every 5 seconds and see what you really have.
Peeking over your shoulder will be a side effect you get for free.
It is amusing to me because I was actually considering getting a windows laptop then they pull this shit. So standard for this evil company, I had just been lulled to sleep.
Disagree, now is the best time to be increasing energy production and expenditure — it is the hallmark of development of a civilization. Using less energy means the stagnation of our civilization.
How are we going to advance our technology without spending more energy?
The scale of energy usage today are fractions of what it will be in 20, 50, 100 years…
The problem is that increasing energy usage has environmental repercussions. Until we figure out how to deal with that, increasing energy usage strikes me as being extremely self-destructive.
> How are we going to advance our technology without spending more energy?
Ignoring the question of whether or not advancing our technology should be our top priority, how are we going to do that if we keep pushing the world into a state that is hostile to human life?
RCS is out-of-the box an unencrypted messaging protocol.
The EU forcing Apple to adopt a cleartext protocol like RCS is deeply suspicious. Interoperability will force disclosure of message contents to the state and carrier.
(unless your phone vendor has implemented encryption in their implementation. Ie: optimistic encryption aka can’t trust if
it is truly working)
Use encrypted messaging protocols — iMessage, signal, WhatsApp…
Tell the government and the carriers to pound sand and <encrypted>……
I’d be more concerned if RCS was replacing an encrypted protocol. Going from SMS to unencrypted RCS is still an improvement, and it’s hard to imagine it being less secure than SMS already is. And at least with RCS they have the possibility of implementing encryption in the future, which they don’t with SMS.
iMessage was explicitly determined to be out of scope of the DMA [1], simply because there isn't a meaninful user base in Europe (as is the case in almost the entire world except for the US).
> The EU forcing Apple to adopt a cleartext protocol like RCS is deeply suspicious. Interoperability will force disclosure of message contents to the state and carrier.
I don't think it's suspicious. Almost nobody uses SMS in Europe anyway so this change is almost meaningless over here. It's just WhatsApp and then a little bit of Telegram, Signal etc on top.
I'm honestly not sure why anyone drives this (in Europe). I used to work for a mobile operator and RCS was a big thing around 2006-2009 in our R&D department. Then I changed to others jobs and almost didn't believe my eyes when it resurfaced with Google over a decade later. I was absolutely sure it was a dead horse already in 2009.
> Use encrypted messaging protocols — iMessage, signal, WhatsApp…
Using RCS E2EE is trivial. The way google does it is to simply pack signal protocol messages in the RCS message payload. It works great and it's simple.
Key identities are managed with a central identity server (like signal does) of course but that's because it's only supported on Google's jibe platform.
This can be trivially resolved by having each carrier who supports E2EE to host a key identity server so that you can lookup keys by phone number (which RCS already uses to point you to the right federated carrier service).
All that's missing from RCS having E2EE by default is google having literally anyone else adopt RCS forcing them to properly federate E2EE.
That depends on how apple decides to implement it. They are a huge player, and I am sure they can make some kind of agreement with google so that they can message through the jibe servers which use the signal protocol.
Why would you suggest a conspiracy theory like that?
I'm not even sure what RCS is, other than a replacement text service that American phone companies offer. I am not aware that it's something that I could use over here.
RCS is a messaging service / protocol developed by the GSMA (the global system for mobile communications), a non-profit industry association representing mobile telephony operators worldwide. Nothing to do with American phone companies.
For someone who is "not even sure what RCS is," you seem very certain of that.
Per Wikipedia:
"In early 2020, it was estimated that RCS was available from 88 operators in 59 countries with approximately 390 million users per month. By November 2020, RCS was available globally in Google Messages on Android, provided directly by Google if the operator does not provide RCS. By 2023, there were 800 million active RCS users on Google's platform and 1.2 billion handsets worldwide supporting RCS."
Several problems:
On mobile. Desktop not supported. Everything else is clear text and readable by telegram and authorities. Of course it’s missing encryption!
Really, telegram is being naked for 99% of the time, with an optional clothes feature that is limited and mobile only.
Whereas signal is fully dressed, all the time.
Signal is 100% encrypted, all groups encrypted, all messages encrypted, all contacts encrypted. The vendor knows when your registered… that is all.
Of course people who don’t understand the sheer dystopia of cleartext coms and visible social graphs —
They will say “when I need them “ I will encrypt. No, you must encrypt all the time. Messages must be indistinguishable. You don’t just encrypt the sensitive stuff, you should encrypt everything!
Got it, you are friends with corrupt big tech employees.
This site is an absolutely terrible idea. Anyone that thinks this is acceptable should not be working for these companies. Your friends and former colleagues are, quite frankly, stupid. If they sell access to recovery they will be caught and fired, or worse.
It would be trivial for the insider risk people at said companies to find out who you have communicated via their work email.
It is absolutely against terms of employment across the industry to sell recovery of accounts. Not to mention completely unethical. Why would you think this is acceptable?
The terms of employment are in many cases also a form of corruption. You just don't recognize it because you're trained to see the established law and order as morally right (probably). Something something Kohlberg's stages.
Because automatically sharing credentials between devices by default is what most people want, especially younger customers for whom this has always been the normal state of affairs.
What you say makes sense for new installs, although even there an explicit and optional consent screen is warranted before doing something as privacy- and security-sensitive as syncing passwords to the cloud. But it's not definitely what's wanted by most people who previously had the feature disabled before the OS update.
Actually, I figured it out, when an app I wrote, that uses the keychain, started allowing me to log into the app, using Sign in with Apple (which has some stuff that is only available when the login is set up), on devices that were not the ones that I set up.
In my case, I liked that, and so will my users.
But I do think that it could be problematic, if this means that authorities could now get ahold of your keychain, when having it restricted to a single device, avoids that.
Surveillance is absolutely the purpose, overt or not. The huge push for bossware/spyware for windows in 2020+ demonstrates that the less ethical portions of industry desperately want to spy on users workstations! Eventually there will be retention laws in certain regulated industries that mandate such technologies! Why enable this potential abuse?
Microsoft is trying to Sherlock the surveillance software industry with this!
I’d rather run North Koreas spyware Red Star Linux than Microsoft Windows.