I suspect so. I've been seeing increasing amounts of outrage about it over the last several weeks, anyway.
This is the wrong moment in history to dramatically ramp up our power usage. We need to be doing the opposite of that, and we've already had a few big ramp-ups over the last several years.
Disagree, now is the best time to be increasing energy production and expenditure — it is the hallmark of development of a civilization. Using less energy means the stagnation of our civilization.
How are we going to advance our technology without spending more energy?
The scale of energy usage today are fractions of what it will be in 20, 50, 100 years…
The problem is that increasing energy usage has environmental repercussions. Until we figure out how to deal with that, increasing energy usage strikes me as being extremely self-destructive.
> How are we going to advance our technology without spending more energy?
Ignoring the question of whether or not advancing our technology should be our top priority, how are we going to do that if we keep pushing the world into a state that is hostile to human life?
This is the wrong moment in history to dramatically ramp up our power usage. We need to be doing the opposite of that, and we've already had a few big ramp-ups over the last several years.