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I only have 2.5 years to make it :(

Doing something phenomenal is more important than doing something before 30.

I'm 32 though. I'm biased.

Well better start early. I should stop my Battlefield sessions before bed and start doing something.

How about becoming a pro at Battlefield? So many startup people but a pro at a game that you enjoy, now that's more special and niche.

This is terrible advice. Video game pros have extremely short careers (the runtime of the video game or until their body gives out). They typically work 12 hour days, and as soon as its their job, the game isn't fun. At the end of their career- when they are perhaps 30, they are left with no skill and no job and not nearly enough money to retire.

I don't think he meant it seriously. I think it was said more to convey a certain sentiment.

I'm not good enough. I used to be very good at counter strike many years ago but it required a lot of training (I don't have that much free time anymore), and I honestly prefer programming, it's just that I do programming 8 hours a day for work already, so I lose creativity/motivation when I have time for myself at 10pm.

Would you rather be e.g. Notch or some Forbes 30-under-30?

I'm not sure. The 30-under-30 accomplished more than Notch did. I'd feel like I achieved more being on that list. But Notch has a better life, he didn't have as much stress as the 30-under-30, and did more fun stuff and can continue living a nice life.

I think my final choice would be to be Notch, but I'm not 100% sure.


Being a father/mother takes a lot of time. Since my daughter was born, my average number of idea / week, became average number of ideas / year.

I'm just exausted, and by the time she falls asleep (which is between 9-10pm because she has problems sleeping), I'm tired, do a couple of chores, and just want to play Battlefield. And then I wake up at 7.40am the next day. :(

I haven't tested any of them, but Netvibes has a nice Google Reader like interface you can activate instead of the widgets. I'll probably stay with them if they refresh the feeds often enough.

I use Netvibes all the time.. i used Google Reader as well, but would definitely recommend Netvibes.. as its reader give good bird eye view of all the feeds. Once you get used to this type, you will never go back to anything else.

Does this decompile to the exact code the developer wrote (without comments etc...) ? Or does this decompile to a usable Java code ?

It doesn't even decompile to "useable" code, but it does compile to code that will give you the gist of what what the intention was and what the actual commands are.

Decompilation to java is still a lossy process; if you want a non-lossy process you can check out APKTool which will encode/decode Smali (a Dalvik VM representation/assembly lang). But then you have to learn Smali...

You say that as if its a bad thing, smali is a pleasure to read/reverse compared to a lot of other "assembly".

On top of that, using this approach you can edit and rebuild the apk. jd-gui and company are nice, but often times I prefer to just skip ahead to the smali and really know whats going on.

Totally agree with everything you just said! I'm not down on Smali; obviously its incredibly powerful because you can tweak and baksmali. I just personally have no need to modify and rebuild Dalvik.

Prisons is not only about threat to others, its also about punishment. Someone could maybe kill a whole family, then after a year in prison have an "enlightenment", become religious, have regrets about the killing, and knowing himself that he won't do it again, he still deserves his full prison sentence!

That's moralizing. Punishment is something parents do to their kids or churches do to their congregants. I certainly understand why people strongly believe the prison system should be used to try to balance the grand metaphysical scales of justice, but I tend to think it should be used to make society safer and better.

Thinking that criminal justice should be about personal punishment, not social outcomes, is what leads to people being thrown in prison for selling sex or consuming drugs.

You're wrong. The whole system should be based on crime prevention, not punishment.

There should be better predictors of how likely a person is going to repeat the crime and keep him locked up for that amount of time. Also, predictors of how likely it is for someone to make their first crime, so it could be prevented in the first place.

I'm pretty sure that it's possible to predict future criminals from their Facebook data etc, and just send those people somewhere else where their environment matches their behavior.

> predict future criminals from their Facebook data etc, and just send those people somewhere else

Sending someone to Siberia because there's a possibility that they might commit a crime in the future? Welcome to Soviet Norightsistan, comrade.

> Also, predictors of how likely it is for someone to make their first crime, so it could be prevented in the first place.

They have those, and they're quite accurate. They're also illegal.

I do agree that there might be some privacy concerns over google, but for contacts I actually don't really care.

Lets say I use your service instead of Google, I will protect my contacts from getting into Google's hands (this is only if I don't use gmail/google voice/google plus, which I do so they get my contacts anyways). Now I have protected my contacts, against google. But I have 173 friends/family that also use Gmail. This means that every single one of them probably has my email/phone/address and uploaded it too into Google Contacts. And if I haven't uploaded my contacts, someone else will do it. There is no way of protecting yourself against this sort of social network.

I have spend 5 minutes on your website, but I cannot figure out what would be the advantage of using this instead of Google Contacts.

Here is also a few problems I find:

1) I love that my google contacts are in Gmail and Google Voice on my desktop. I don't think that if I use your service it will autocomplete my contacts in Google Voice for example.

2) Google will most likely still exist in 20 years, you? I'm not so sure.

Do you have any advantages of using your service ? I do not care about more simple or secure, Google Contacts is simple and secure enough. Do you have any cool features, like for example synchronisation between accounts ? Me and my wife would love to have a group in Google Contacts called "Family", where if I add a person, or change a setting it would automatically update in her contacts.

Well we (web developers) are trying to make the ad experience as best as we can. A lot of websites wouldn't even exist without ads (Google, Facebook etc...). If ads are annoying you, use Adblock, but do not remove ads from every user by default! I work for big startup in the US, and we wouldn't exist without ads.

I think they're just doing that to get good publicity (oh Free doesn't show ads on internet? I think I'll sign-up at that ISP!) and also to piss off youtube.

They will turn it off by default in a couple weeks/month for sure. Mark my words.

No, I would not pay for a different design and a few extra features of gmail...

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