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How about becoming a pro at Battlefield? So many startup people but a pro at a game that you enjoy, now that's more special and niche.

This is terrible advice. Video game pros have extremely short careers (the runtime of the video game or until their body gives out). They typically work 12 hour days, and as soon as its their job, the game isn't fun. At the end of their career- when they are perhaps 30, they are left with no skill and no job and not nearly enough money to retire.

I don't think he meant it seriously. I think it was said more to convey a certain sentiment.

I'm not good enough. I used to be very good at counter strike many years ago but it required a lot of training (I don't have that much free time anymore), and I honestly prefer programming, it's just that I do programming 8 hours a day for work already, so I lose creativity/motivation when I have time for myself at 10pm.

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