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Nah. He's a hero.

Technically, the police are correct! ;-)

>unmarried fathers don't get legal custody automatically,

Interesting. Do unmarried fathers have any financial responsibility for the child?

Yes. The German old perspective is detailed in the Zaunegger vs. Germany case in the European Court of Human Rights, because the German judge voted against recognizing legal custody (only one in six to do) as human right, and gave a justification with historical grounds.

>It feels like that part of the story is the bigger deal.

You think that is the bigger deal? I suppose it is a variant of doxing, but it doesn't look like the NYT is going to post the actual returns, just their interpretation.

Yes, it's a big deal, because one of Trump's favorite tactics is to "leak" something through "anonymous sources" that later falls apart in a spectacularly-public way, leaving egg on the journalists' faces and Trump looking like the legitimate victim of a smear campaign.

The time for "anonymous sources" is over. No more. Back up the information, or don't publish.

Didn't they also post their interpretation of American history recently?

Yes. With the 1619 project not only did the times publish work by a writer with a history of racism (https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/25/in-racist-screed-nyts-1...), but they also ignored their own fact checkers (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/03/06/1619-proje...).

Maybe I exaggerated a bit but for me they rob the impact of the story when others can be concerned about how the information was gained. Also it sets a bad precedent for when the dems are in power. * depending on how the information. Was gained *. And at the end of the day the information really is t anything that is all that shocking - it’s what I have (and many have) expected all along

I am reminded of the joke, "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

I know how the information was gained: someone leaked it! I am surprised it took this long.

Was it an IRS employee who leaked it in violation of federal law? Was it someone at the accounting firm Trump uses? Maybe we will find out some day, maybe not.

To me the most amazing revelation is that he got paid nearly HALF-A-BILLION for the Apprentice! I really think we should start taxing our OTA networks for their use of the public airwaves, if they have that much $$ to throw around.

Agreed about the apprentice, that’s quite a bit.

I was wrong, he only earned $197.3 million from the Apprentice.

There was $230 million in "Endorsement and licensing deals that followed the show’s debut"

So it is not like NBC paid him half a billion. It was only 1/5th of a billion.

Disable javascript.

I think UL requires two thermal cutoff switches for coffee makers.

Even my $15 el-cheapo coffee maker has two thermal cutoff switches.


Perhaps something similar to Underwriter's Laboratories for IoT security?

Gore Vidal pointed this out many years ago:

  "There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt — until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties."

I really wonder what Vidal would be saying today.

I guess it would probably be something similar to Noam Chomsky, who is voting Democrat this year because the policy differences are so stark.


Chomsky denied the genocide of Pol Pot and defended the Khmer Rouge to score points against CIA and Western Imperialism.

start here on page 19 of Chomsky's book he wrote in 1979.


Chomsky was dead wrong about his heirarchy of languages and he set back computing by 50 years. He has also been wrong about geopolitics, since he ends up supporting the very Western Imperialism that he rails against.

> he set back computing by 50 years

No opinion on Chomsky's politics. But that quote definitely needs some substantiation.

Personally, I don't see how anyone, has managed to set back computing by 50 years.

They haven't, it's a clear exaggeration, and lacks any substance at all.

Which is not to say he was right about human language acquisition. (He wasn't.)

But the three grammar classes were correct, and are still in use. They were later found to match work done 2500 years ago, in India.

Being wrong in science, particularly biology, is not a crime, nor, usually, even a shame.

i still wonder what was the significance of Assange carrying Gore Vidal's book when he was arrested (kidnapped) from the Ecuadorian Embassy.

Offline shopping works the same way!

The price you pay at Home Depot is influenced by how far away the nearest Lowes is.

And don't get me started on airline fares!

>Gates claims now (and then) the Government will stifle innovation,

"Innovation" when used by Gates in this context means "profits."

And I think Bill's dislike for Java was only because it was a threat to the Windows OS monopoly. The appeal of Java, as I recall, was that you could run the same application on multiple platforms.

They use proxies! So many proxies.

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