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I am reminded of the joke, "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

I know how the information was gained: someone leaked it! I am surprised it took this long.

Was it an IRS employee who leaked it in violation of federal law? Was it someone at the accounting firm Trump uses? Maybe we will find out some day, maybe not.

To me the most amazing revelation is that he got paid nearly HALF-A-BILLION for the Apprentice! I really think we should start taxing our OTA networks for their use of the public airwaves, if they have that much $$ to throw around.

Agreed about the apprentice, that’s quite a bit.

I was wrong, he only earned $197.3 million from the Apprentice.

There was $230 million in "Endorsement and licensing deals that followed the show’s debut"

So it is not like NBC paid him half a billion. It was only 1/5th of a billion.

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