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I was going to say specialisations might be useful for you to keep a previous driver version around for testing but you might be past that point!

Having the ability to keep alternate configurations for $previous_kernel and $nvidia_stable have been super helpful in diagnosing instead of rolling back.

I've been having a similar flakiness with plasma on Nixos (proprietary + 3070 as well). Sadly can't say whether it did{n't} happen on another distro as I last used Arch around the v535 driver.

I found it funny how silently it would fail at times. After coming out of a game or focusing on something I'd scratch my head as to where did the docks/background went. I'd say you're lucky in that it recovered itself, generally I needed to run `plasmashell` in the alt+f2 run prompt.

Adding notifications to an Ansible playbook is just adding a task with the discord module or uri in the case of nfty.

I do agree and lean towards using golang to have an easy binary but there's a lot of work already in this space for managing instances. I have a similar ansible task running on AWX to check instance updates but have had a backlog task to actually move it to Prometheus so the notifications and information are sitting in Grafana.

Kind of seems like both Motherboard and Chip manufacturers are pushing the higher end processors a bit too close to the limit. As easy as it'd be to point at motherboards pushing all-core boosts and bumping power limits and/or boost durations up 50%+, these 13/14 gen chips also act up (though less often) on Workstation/Server boards.

My recent AMD build (5950x) also had a similar high-end part instability where it would lock up under Linux when downclocking to a very low idle. Replaced the processor but it still needed a small voltage bump to keep stable.

as a counterpoint, my 5950x has been rock solid. I ran VMs under proxmox for a while until i moved those offsite and now the 5950x is my primary computer. I did get a water cooler for the CPU and was very careful about application of thermal paste and such. as best i can remember this machine has never crashed, even under severe loads while in a drywalled shed with a window unit keeping the shed ostensibly at 75F. Think CPU cryptomining, or compiling the linux kernel with --jobs=33 24/7.

Thought I was reading my own comment from the future. Very similar situation, layoff + great severance starting around mid-year then wedding. Took some time to veg out, other to figure out what I need to improve, etc. I only have a few data points (~6, 2 in flight) as I ramp up but there’s definitely a split in responses. It’s either a fast response and productive conversations with a recruiter or just a black box that emits a canned email response anywhere from 48 hours to 2 months later.

What worked for me was counterintuitively not applying to a ton of places, but focusing on places I'd really want to work and then reaching out directly to relevant team leads. It might feel like you're wasting effort since it's more investment and people might still just not reply, but I found it to be more effective. And it led to a really interesting job that I like a lot. Good luck!

Asking as a final-year student in college, how rough the situation is??

No idea how it is for new grads. I hear it’s bad but also you only need one job, so I wouldn’t stress too much. Developing some domain expertise in the business that you want to work in can be a pretty important differentiator.

Referenced in one of the dockerfiles: https://games-on-whales.github.io/gow/overview.html is certainly the more reasonable approach to streaming games off docker/kubernetes.

Their sunlight alternative https://github.com/games-on-whales/wolf adding multiple tenants is neat as well. Definitely going to give it a spin on some intel iGpu nodes.

One aspect I rarely seen mentioned is The price of these canned coffees in Japan. I remember most ranging from 100-250 yen ($1-2 when I last visited). As a tourist that was the biggest selling point for me, getting pretty good coffee warm or cold in seconds.

Sadly every time I see some mention of UCC or Boss coffee I spend a few minutes browsing to see if it can be imported near that price. Lately though it has been getting better with occasional sale on Amazon making them a nice treat.

Came here to say the exact same thing. Manjaro has a history of issues and oddly provide their own repos (with differing packaging version to mainline Arch) when arch's repo + aur more than suffice.

On the endeavouros side they only have their DE customization packages + nvidia helper packages + ZFS + small helper applications (I'm assuming wgetpaste and such are for users to easily upload error logs, etc) https://github.com/endeavouros-team/repo/tree/master/endeavo...

The one thing holding me back from switching to KDE in full. The hacks and Kwin scripts just simply aren’t enough.

If you find out more on this (solutions or ticket to sponsor) please update!

Have you tried to directly run i3 instead of KWin? https://github.com/avivace/dotfiles

Thanks for the link! I had found a few pieces of the repo's Readme but this looks solid, I'll have to give it a try.

The random crashing at low usage sounds very similar to an issue I had with my previous 5950x. There seems to be a real problem with 59{00,50}x’s where you either need to disable PBO (I think that’s the name) or bump voltages. After finding out it was a silicon lottery thing I sent my cpu right back to Amazon and the replacement has been perfectly fine from first boot (outside of figuring out the upper memory clock for 4 dimms)

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