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Anyone know how we can provide features and sponsor them for KDE 6.

I've wanted to pin virtual desktops to a specific monitor (same as i3) and be able to independently switch virtual desktops on each monitor.

Its a widely requested feature which hasn't landed, I was hoping to get this on their radar and if necessary pay for this feature. Its something that's been bothering me since KDE 3 days.

I suppose you could mail one of the KDE mailing lists[0] to ask about this. Probably you want either kde or kde-devel.

[0]: https://kde.org/support/mailinglists/

The one thing holding me back from switching to KDE in full. The hacks and Kwin scripts just simply aren’t enough.

If you find out more on this (solutions or ticket to sponsor) please update!

Have you tried to directly run i3 instead of KWin? https://github.com/avivace/dotfiles

Thanks for the link! I had found a few pieces of the repo's Readme but this looks solid, I'll have to give it a try.

If you're on X, there's no reason why you shouldn't just use i3 on the top of Plasma. https://github.com/avivace/dotfiles

Take a look at TDE/Trinity.

I do not know if it does as you wish, but it is a fork of kde2, with enhancements, and they are actually open to actual, usable, needed change.

Are you implying that the KDE devs are not "open to actual, usable, needed change"? That seems disingenuous given the multitude of actual, useable, needed changes they make.

Trinity exists due to unusable, unneeded change that is kde4 and beyond.

So no, they are not open to that path.

Have you even tried recent Plasma versions? Granted, the early KDE4 releases were a train wreck. But there is no reason to have the KDE image tainted by that anymore. Today, it is about as good as KDE3 was.

Until, bound by the same broken reasoning, and senseless logic and push for change, they do it all over again?

For no real beneficial reason?

Right, I misspoke.

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