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I'm curious if HashiCorp changed their licenses to GPL/AGPL, will everyone be as frustrated?

No. And any of the businesses that switched to the sources-available approach could have done just that before, and didn't.

N=1, I'd be equally happy with any actual open source license.

No. Most people would have loved that. The only people who would have been frustrated by that are the ones who like making proprietary software.

Hi Peter! For H1B visa holders, is there any way to start a company and remain in charge (whether as CEO or not)? From what I find online you can only be employed as a H1B holder, but if I start a company I would want to have full control of it.

Full control isn't an option but one can be a CEO and even own a substantial portion of a company in H-1B status. This is one of the reasons that founders get O-1s and not H-1Bs.

I'm interested in building something with this to aid my own French learning. Would love to read your findings if you end up posting it somewhere like twitter/blog!

Last try for tonight with Baudelaire.


    Trois mille six cents fois par heure, la Seconde
    Chuchote Souviens-toi !– Rapide, avec sa voix
    D'insecte, Maintenant dit Je suis Autrefois,
    Et j'ai pompé ta vie avec ma trompe immonde !

    Remember ! Souviens-toi ! prodigue ! Esto memor !
    (Mon gosier de métal parle toutes les langues )
    Les minutes, mortel folâtre, sont des gangues
    Qu'il ne faut pas lâcher sans en extraire l'or !

> Trois mille six cents fois par heure, la seconde chuchote « Souviens toi », rapide, avec sa voix d''insecte, maintenant dit « Je suis autrefois », et j''ai pompé ta vie avec ma trompe immonde. « Remember, souviens toi, prodigue, est au mémoire, mon gosier de métal, parle toutes les langues, les minutes, mortelles folâtres, sont des gangs qu''il ne faut pas lâcher sans en extraire l''or. »

Not bad! Far from perfect but it's a difficult text. Interesting that it works better with Baudelaire than Pascal.

Tried again with Blaise Pascal -- the famous fragment of a letter where he says he's sorry he didn't have enough time to make it shorter.


> Mes révérends pères, mes lettres n’avaient pas accoutumé de se suivre de si près, ni d’être si étendues. Le peu de temps que j’ai eu a été cause de l’un et de l’autre. Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte. La raison qui m’a obligé de me hâter vous est mieux connue qu’à moi. Vos réponses vous réussissaient mal. Vous avez bien fait de changer de méthode ; mais je ne sais si vous avez bien choisi, et si le monde ne dira pas que vous avez eu peur des bénédictins.


> Mes rêves errent pères, mais l'detre navais pas accoutumé de se suivre de si près ni d'detre si étendu. Le peu de temps que j'sais eu a été cause de l'de l'de l'de autre. J'sais n'detre plus longue que parce que j'sais pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte. La raison qui m'sa obligée de me hâter vous est mieux connue qu'moi. Vos réponses vous réussissaient mal. Vous avez bien fait de changer de méthode, mais je ne sais pas si vous avez bien choisi et si le monde ne dira pas que vous avez eu peur des bénédictes.

Here there are many more mistakes, so many that the beginning of the text is unintelligible. The language from the 17th century is probably too different. Still on the "medium" model, as the large one crashes the Colab (not sure how to select a beefier machine.)

Still fascinating and exciting though.

Depends on the way you're pronouncing it maybe. To be intelligible IMO it must be read differently from a modern text, with well sounding liaisons, and all vowels very distinct: "un" sounds differently from "in", "â" clearly differs from "a", "ai" and "è" from "é" and for instance the "e" in "étendues" must be pronounced, though not loudly.

My test gives that, much better than yours:

Mes *rêverants* pères, mes lettres n'avaient pas accoutumé de se suivre de si près ni d'être si étendues. Le peu de temps que j'ai eu a été cause de l'un et de l'autre. Je n'ai fait celle aussi plus longue que parce que je n'ai pas eu le loisir de *l'af*faire plus courte. La raison qui m'a obligé de me *ra*ter vous est mieux connue qu'à moi. Vos réponses vous réussiss*ez* mal. Vous avez bien fait de changer de méthode. Mais je ne sais si vous avez bien choisi et si le monde ne dira pas que vous avez eu peur des bénédict*eurs*.

Curious. As mentioned I did three tests, two which went pretty well and this one that went bad. I'm French and enunciated the three tests in the exact same way. It's possible there was a technical glitch in this one (that I erroneously attributed to the language of the 17th century)... Will have to try again.

I'm playing with a Colab posted in this thread (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32931349), and it's incredibly fun and accurate!

I tried the beginning of L'étranger (because you seem to be a fan of Camus ;-)

Here's the original:

> Aujourd’hui, maman est morte. Ou peut-être hier, je ne sais pas. J’ai reçu un télégramme de l’asile : « Mère décédée. Enterrement demain. Sentiments distingués. » Cela ne veut rien dire. C’était peut-être hier.

> L’asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d’Alger. Je prendrai l’autobus à deux heures et j’arriverai dans l’après-midi. Ainsi, je pourrai veiller et je rentrerai demain soir. J’ai demandé deux jours de congé à mon patron et il ne pouvait pas me les refuser avec une excuse pareille. Mais il n’avait pas l’air content. Je lui ai même dit : « Ce n’est pas de ma faute. » Il n’a pas répondu. J’ai pensé alors que je n’aurais pas dû lui dire cela. En somme, je n’avais pas à m’excuser. C’était plutôt à lui de me présenter ses condoléances.

Here's the transcription:

> Aujourdhui, maman est morte, peut être hier, je ne sais pas. J''ai reçu un télégramme de l''asile. Mère décédée, enterrement demain, sentiment distingué. Cela ne veut rien dire. C''était peut être hier.

> L''asile de Vieillard est à Maringot, à 80 km d''Alger. Je prendrai l''autobus à deux heures et j''arriverai dans l''après midi. Ainsi, je pourrai veiller et je rentrerai demain soir. J''ai demandé deux jours de congé à mon patron et il ne pouvait pas me les refuser avec une excuse pareille. Mais il n''avait pas l''air content. Je lui ai même dit, ce n''est pas de ma faute. Il n''a pas répondu. J''ai alors pensé que je n''aurais pas dû lui dire cela. En somme, je n''avais pas à m''excuser. C''était plutôt à lui de me présenter ses condoléances.

Except for the weird double quotes instead of the single apostrophe ('), it's close to perfect, and it only uses the "medium" model.

This is extremely exciting and fun! Happy to try other texts if you have something specific in mind!

If you enjoy this, you might find this meta list on "notation and thought" interesting: https://github.com/k-qy/notation

I found this by Knuth on Iverson's notation interesting: https://www.maa.org/sites/default/files/images/images/upload...

Very interesting. I did never really look at the "Concrete Mathematics" book, so I missed this take by Knuth on turning a formula F into a term [F] by defining it as 1 if F is true, and 0 if F is false. Note that this cannot be done in first-order logic, as a formula cannot be part of a term. But it is not a problem in simply-typed higher-order logic, for example, and it is not a problem in abstraction logic, either.

Thank you so much for this!!

The bit on "avoid ambiguity, or introduce useful ambiguity" is especially fascinating.

I built my own. It's a Chrome extension that

- captures a tree tab structure (inspired by Tree Style Tab)

- has a text-heavy interface

- is keyboard driven (inspired by Vim)

- keeps data local or syncs to a GitHub gist (no server)

- exports to Markdown

I often hear from others they need something similar, and I thought about finishing it up so others can use it. But my fear is that I made too many personal design choices that nobody else would like, and changing those choices would make myself less happy (but surely make it easier for others to use).

If you are intrigued, here are some screenshots:

- https://imgur.com/a/D5CtJ6A

I have thought about building a vocabulary learning tool for learning Japanese on top of Apple Dictionary. My idea is simple: user collects dicitionary items and the tool offers lookup / spaced-repetition.

However, I'm concerned that the dictionary is copyrighted. Is there any precedent that says whether such a tool would be legal/illegal?

If your tool doesn't come with bundled data from Apple, extract data in local and doesn't leak it to another party it's probably safe to do so (like emulators).

Does anyone have recommendation for static site hosting with simple server-side analytics? The only thing I can find is Netlify Analytics, but $9/mo is too much for hosting a few pages of OSS project documentations.

If there's no complex interactivity achieveable only through JS, I prefer to ship sites with plain HTML/CSS, so I don't really like to use any client-side analytics. And yes – I can live without all the fancy features to track and profile my visitors.

I don't want to host by myself either, since I enjoy using a simple git push to deploy my site.

Netlify analytics is very inaccurate to begin with-- it was showing me I was getting 20,000 visits a month on a 5 year old blog I never updated!

Moving to a normal analytics, the number is closer to a dozen, maybe a few hundred.

I suspect Netlify doesnt remove bot traffic

If you are willing to go a bit more hands on:

* Use a CDN which provides access logs (AWS Cloudfront, logs are stored in S3, Azure supports this too i think) * Feed those logs into a self-hosted analytics solution, like goatcounter [1]

[1] https://github.com/zgoat/goatcounter

How about Pirsch [0]? It starts at $4/month and you can set up as many sites as you want for up to 10k page views/month. That should be sufficient for most smaller sites.

[0] https://pirsch.io/

I use AWS Cloudfront on top of my static blog to get basic analytics (and some edge caching). It is almost free.

CloudFlare Pages does this.

If you are interested in creative coding but don't know where to start, me and my friend are running Codecember, a month-long challenge to do one code sketch a day: https://codecember.ink

We pick simple sketches & recreate them in p5.js as a learning process. Eventually you remix the sketches with your ideas to create something original.

Our prompts exposes a diverse variety of generative artwork, none of which are too difficult to recreate. Join us for the second half!

I'd like to congratulate you both in your work there. Even if only because I wanted to write my own "Anders Hoff Depth of Field" but could never find the time, so now I have an implementation available to tinker with ;)

There's also Genuary[0] coming up, though your prompts are more fleshed out.

0: https://genuary2021.github.io/

It's almost 2021 and Slack still can't syntax highlight code blocks.

Teams on the other hand still doesn't support Markdown-like formatting and does weird things when pasting text (it pastes as rich-text which screws up subsequent formatting without any easy way to reset).

Considering this, I will take Slack (and its imperfect highlighting) any day. At least I can still paste stuff and have it formatted properly in Slack. Teams can't even do that.

Nice work! The other day I was doing a SVG renderer for Shiki[0] (a code syntax highlighter), but found no easy way to measure font width/height (SVG needs absolute positioning) in Node.js. The only library that does that records fonts' metadata in the package source[1].

I ended up using puppeteer[2]. Would love to switch to `skia-canvas`, however `ctx.measureFont` doesn't seem to work correctly yet. Measuring cap `M` produces positive `actualBoundingBoxDescent`, although `M` should sit comfortably on top of baseline.

[0]: https://shiki.matsu.io/

[1]: https://github.com/adambisek/string-pixel-width

[2]: https://github.com/shikijs/shiki/blob/master/packages/render...

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