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The article falls under "Anything that good hackers would find interesting"


The W3C HTML validator gives up after the second line of the document:


Here's the source:

  <!DOCTYPE html> 
  <html lang="en"> 
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Code Standards | Isobar</title> 
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/master.css" /> 

               / _)         
        .-^^^-/ /          we like dinosaurs as much as you  do.
    __/       /              

I see a couple of problems. First up, they're not indenting. The validator is spitting the dummy because of two things, the first is the spurious whitespace before the doctype tag, the second is the title (which it thinks is missing), but the real problem is with the meta tag which isn't properly closed.

But hey, free dinosaur. With hat.

Using html5 (or 4) the meta tag doesn't need to be closed. Personally I prefer to do close or self-close tags anyway as I entered the game with xhtml, whose syntax I still prefer.

There is no denying Steve Jobs is a brilliant leader who can inspire people.

Marco Arment, the founder of Instapaper, was also the former lead developer of Tumblr. It's clear that he has great a sense for UI design.


Have you ever had a situation where you had to negotiate multiple offers? How did you negotiate to get the highest possible offer from each?

Auto-generated content is the future. Look at how good Minecraft is. The terrain in that game is all procedurally generated.

Better question: how many people (developers or not) over 40 keep learning and stay hungry? How many people over 30?

This is not an issue unique to developers.

Quite honestly, how many people under 40 (or 30) keep learning and stay hungry? Many kick back, raise a family, party, ... There's a lot to life, and only so many hours in the day. If you're lucky enough to do what you like, and to have time to enjoy yourself (at work, or elsewhere), you're doing just fine.

If it happens to make a difference, so much the better. But you gotta keep up.

I am 30 and am constantly in search for more knowledge to consume. I intend to do everything I can to see that the quest for knowledge never ends.

Whether it be programming, other technical things, art, language, various books, or any other skill... I don't know why anyone would ever stop.

For books published by the Pragmatic Bookshelf, you should link directly to the publisher, in my opinion. PragProg.com sells DRM-free ebooks (in pdf, mobi, and epub) for cheaper than Amazon. They are a great value and I bet the PragProg folks keep more money this way, which is a good thing.

For example http://www.hackerbooks.com/book/rails-for-net-developers-fac...

Should link to http://pragprog.com/titles/cerailn/rails-for-net-developers instead of Amazon.com.

That's a good suggestion (me being an avid reader of the pragprogs for a very long time).

I'll try to make more "publisher-specific" linking.

Your product is off to a great start. How do you plan to scale?

That's where the uncertainty lies right now. We've made venue acquisition as smooth and easy as possible, but we still need to sell them on the idea.

We're experimenting with some ideas (various geographic markets, adwords, referral program) but haven't found the ideal solution yet. This is our biggest challenge right now.

I think your service is a boon to local businesses... I'm talking to some local economic development people in St. Louis in the next week or so. I'll show them Punchd and see their reaction.

I think economic development groups should champion an array of web services like Punchd that are affordable, create engagement, and get measurable results.

If it seems a good angle, I'll follow up.

That would be fantastic. Drop me a line and let me know how it goes, even if it's just one sentence. Email is in my profile. Would hit you up first but you have no contact info.

I definitely love the idea. I understand nothing about how the selling works to the businesses, but is it possible to get Jamba Juice, Peet's, or Chick Fil A to take Punchd national through their stores? This seems like a possible way to scale. Then try to sell to the local stores from there.

1. The logo seems similar to the United Nations logo. What was your inspiration for the logo? 2. In the video, who is holding the camera? And who is holding the signs? 3. Did you use an ad agency to make the video, or did you put it together yourselves?

The first card says "welcome to the future" which I thought was perfect :)

The designer who made the logo said he was going for a passport look. My brother made the video. He also did the music in the video. He's pretty good with that stuff.

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