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Your product is off to a great start. How do you plan to scale?

That's where the uncertainty lies right now. We've made venue acquisition as smooth and easy as possible, but we still need to sell them on the idea.

We're experimenting with some ideas (various geographic markets, adwords, referral program) but haven't found the ideal solution yet. This is our biggest challenge right now.

I think your service is a boon to local businesses... I'm talking to some local economic development people in St. Louis in the next week or so. I'll show them Punchd and see their reaction.

I think economic development groups should champion an array of web services like Punchd that are affordable, create engagement, and get measurable results.

If it seems a good angle, I'll follow up.

That would be fantastic. Drop me a line and let me know how it goes, even if it's just one sentence. Email is in my profile. Would hit you up first but you have no contact info.

I definitely love the idea. I understand nothing about how the selling works to the businesses, but is it possible to get Jamba Juice, Peet's, or Chick Fil A to take Punchd national through their stores? This seems like a possible way to scale. Then try to sell to the local stores from there.

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