I was with you until the last sentence. Removing borders makes it harder. Not being able to see the actual area of a clickable target makes it harder. I never had trouble knowing what to click in the early 2000’s, when UI was ostensibly more dense.
They are indeed awesome and I made one with a simple box fan. It works great but it’s really loud. We can’t really have it on when company comes over.
We got one of these instead and have been really happy with it. Pros: super-quiet low-energy computer fans. Uses standard air filters you can buy at Lowe’s. Cons more than a box fan.
I tried to implement this in Ruby with a gem about 6 years ago and got really close. If anyone wants to know more about this, but is more fluent in Ruby, you might find this a good jumping-off point. There’s a good explanation in the README.
Why did it not work in the end? Because even though I was able to implement an error-recovery mechanism that wouldn’t pop the stack, it still triggered all the `ensure` statements that were up the stack. It was still a valuable exercise. I'd welcome this addition in any exception-based language.