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I've been right in front of ESO VLT, during a long motorcycle ride. A remarkable place, rough and peaceful at the same time.

It was on my bookmarks for a long time. I thought it would be nice to share with you guys.

There are so many times I do searches on HN to recall about some nice things I've seen oh the web... Quite often, the comments are the gems!

Yeah I found this via HN a couple years ago. This along with the following links will help anyone getting into sysadmin work:

https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line | https://www.bento.io/grid | https://www.sqlteaching.com/

https://nixsrv.com/llthw is the real deal (IMHO).

Bookmarked! I know a few getting into linux that could take advantage of this.

True. We know our current offset from UTC (or legacy 'GMT'). I always use the real offset at that time. Thus, I just inform my clock saying UTC-3 (or UTC-2 when we are in daylight savings time).

I used http://tricount.com/ It can be web only or a mobile app.

I remember looking for the word "iou", meaning "I owe you" and found some apps regarding splitting the bills, but I ended up with Tricount.

Nice! I will set it on my room TV as an ambient attaction while talking with friends. let's see how it goes.

This reminds me that project Hyperlapse.js on http://hyperlapse.tllabs.io/. They used to have a working site where you could make your own (quick) hyperlapse using Street View's content.

Sweet! It works great with Chromecast and Apple TV, so have at it :)

If you are more focused on tasks than chats you might like trello.com or even just workflowy.com. I wouldn't say they are Project Management tools, but they can help the processes go forward.

This matches some of the concepts I've got from the book "The 4-Hour Body" from Tim Ferriss. The fast-exercise stimulation also tells your body not to store energy into fat, which is one of the principles of the Slow Carb Diet.

I've started Tim Ferriss diet on May/2013 and went strictly on it (no supplements, aka, PAGG) up to September/13 when I reached my goal (97->82kg). I did a body check-up (mostly on blood and urine tests) on November/13 and everything was fine. I never came back on milk+bread on breakfast and I got used to go low-fat 6 days a week. I'm not so strict on Tim's diet anymore but I'm still low-fat-oriented. I'm turning 40 this month. So far, this diet worked greatly for me. BTW: I got to know about Tim's book here in HN.

I must recall that the low-carb diet from Tim is focused on food with low glycemic index. The idea is to avoid the conversion of the carbs you eat into fat stored in your body.

It's probably the same reason why we just get bigger hard-drives instead of cleaning stuff we store in our current storage capacity.

I didn't have associated the idea of "printing" to a "human organ" yet. Very interesting. I wonder if, in the future, printing an organ would be easier than making it grow somehow until it gets functional for transplant.

It would be more of a hybrid of those two methods. You print the large parts (even a micron is "large") into place, then let the cells grow the small connections we cannot reliably engineer, like planting a garden. All this reminds me of that classic statement about human longevity and the lack of spare parts.

Not only that, but the compatibility can be guaranteed by seeding the cells to be printed from your own stem cells.

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