That project is a symptom of manual pages not having good “EXAMPLES” sections. The examples on that web page should be contributed upstream to the manuals pages of the software that they are for.
If you want a fast way to read the EXAMPLES section only for a command, here is a shell function which creates an ‘eg’ command which only displays the “EXAMPLES” section of manual pages:
MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=1 man "$@" 2>/dev/null \
| sed --quiet --expression='/^E\(\x08.\)X\(\x08.\)\?A\(\x08.\)\?M\(\x08.\)\?P\(\x08.\)\?L\(\x08.\)\?E/{:a;p;n;/^[^ ]/q;ba}' \
| ${MANPAGER:-${PAGER:-pager -s}}
$ eg tar
Create archive.tar from files foo and bar.
tar -cf archive.tar foo bar
List all files in archive.tar verbosely.
tar -tvf archive.tar
Extract all files from archive.tar.
tar -xf archive.tar
Can you give me an example? What I’d do it look at the Debian package, which both documents where upstream is and has a bugtracker of its own which you can submit suggestions to, and the Debian maintainer should forward the submission to upstream if appropriate.
hostname -i on says the IP address is, but if you ping a host from the interface, the pings originate from (according to tcpdump).