Thanks for the feedback, agree that the type may be a tad too big, going for something a little different. Will see what we can do about adding more Weather triggers, just scratching the surface!
I actually really like the size of the UI - it's a site that will get used infrequently to set up and change settings, so it needs to be instantly obvious.
If you were to spend all day in it, yes it would drive me insane, but that's not the likely use.
ifttt has been up and running, in private beta, for a number of months now. Sorry to hear your company is already blocking us. We hope that ifttt can eventually save you precious web browsing time, not suck it away :)
Was just about to point you there! Another broad category of use that is emerging is around notifications. ex. IF "I am tagged in a photo on FB" THEN "Call my phone". Its all still in the early going, but we've have seen a lot of interesting uses already. Working on a simple way for others to share the more interesting ones now!