Apologies, ifttt requires a spiffy new browser
to work all its magic correctly. Your current
browser isn't compatible.
I don't expect to be told to upgrade just to find out what something does. Can't they produce an explanation that doesn't require a "spiffy new browser" ?? The blog post is simple enough to render properly in my elderly browser on my elderly machine, but it just talks aboute event-driven programming for the masses, and waiting in line for Indian food.
It's April 1st, and that makes me grumpy, but there's a lesson for all people who want to present a product to the world:
Make it easy for people
to want your product.
Don't make it hard for
people to see what you do!
It's April 1st, and that makes me grumpy, but there's a lesson for all people who want to present a product to the world: