I have control and command swapped in system preferences and the only other key combo I use is the CMD+Tab and Ctrl+Tab[1]. I have no issues this way. I will say system preferences is where I put all other key combos linked to AppleScripts.
Microsoft is pushing extremely hard for it. In Windows if you miss a barely visible button you will find yourself switching to Edge and Bing without realizing it.
That Google is still at 85% show that people really want to use Google, it is not just "whatever comes with the computer".
As a Best Buy part time employee the correct answer is that we don’t sell the newest iPhone models unlocked in stores. Refurbished models are the only iPhones we sell unlocked in our store. Online that’s is a different matter entirely and yes there are some newer models we sell unlocked online but it’s minimal because of fraud.
Are there specific Chrome keyboard shortcuts you're missing in Firefox? Firefox has some aliases for Chrome and Safari keyboard shortcuts. Adding a new alias is pretty uncontroversial if it doesn't conflict with an existing Firefox keyboard shortcut.