Failure point: Since you are really busy you have decided to cut corners in your current work. Didn't write tests, didn't maintain your current system with bugs and now Alice is the victim of the land mine infested mess you have created.
If you realized you were over extended you should have hired earlier. If you didn't that's another failure point.
Most work cycle books Agile or not talk about how increasing team size does not necessarily increase throughput especially initially. If you don't have a team strategy then yes you are throwing money at a problem without understanding what the problem is.
There are some greate advice however its impractical in the real world. (I am not defending copy and paste, the DRY principle should be your number one rule.) Most (good) contractors work in this way however its impossible to lay out your solution to its entirety and build a beautiful solution. Without specs being changed on you or you realizing that what you are building is not something the clint wants.
Ok.. first of all if you are going to be taken seriously you should really spell everything correctly in your petition, or you sound like an ass. How can i take a point away from this story hacker news?
If you realized you were over extended you should have hired earlier. If you didn't that's another failure point.
Most work cycle books Agile or not talk about how increasing team size does not necessarily increase throughput especially initially. If you don't have a team strategy then yes you are throwing money at a problem without understanding what the problem is.