agreed -- there's no uniformity in how companies fill out these apps; for example, as I briefly mentioned in the post but didn't look far into, even the company name "Google" was typed in 3 or 4 ways
one piece which i tried to mention here is that and LCA don't incorporate equity, incentive bonuses, and other pieces of compensation; this is just the base salary submitted in the application. for example ex-Google friend immediately felt like Google was too low, since a significant % of their comp is tied to incentive bonuses; and for startups, you'd have to consider the dollar value of equity
that's really interesting; there are so many caveats with the data that i almost thought it wasn't worth sharing, but we can let people draw conclusions themselves (and hopefully follow-up with other analyses, comments, etc)
if you don't mind, %-wise, how much more were you paid than your LCA? and do you think this is representative of others?
i agree, despite industry complaints about how "high" they are and how quickly they've risen; having been on multiple sides of this, i think the value that a good engineer adds is still not reflected in compensation, especially in smaller companies (eg, less than a few hundred people); it's part information asymmetry, part culture
interesting to me to see the parallels between music and books. seems that music has always been a bit ahead on the innovation curve for a variety of reasons and we're just getting to the itunes for books (eg, kindle), now...
Hi guys, we recently published a book with Mixergy about PG, and we got a ton of great feedback from this community. We've been working hard to fix all of the mentioned issues, in particular that it was unclear exactly what was in the book, the formatting issues on Kindle, and so forth
We'd like to make it up to you guys and let you decide what our next book will be - leave a comment with any topic(s) that you would love to read a book on, and we'll find a great author and publish the book that receives the most comments.
Also, we'll offer the whole book for free to download here when its published
You can reach us via email too:
All - just want to re-affirm Andrew's points and provide some more clarification - we're the publisher behind the eBook, and we did partnered with Andrew/Mixergy to do it.
In short, we work with domain/subject-matter experts to publish high-quality eBooks. Some we create ourselves, some we work with publishers who already have great content (eg, Mixergy).
Since we're a startup there's still a lot that we need to improve, but one thing we're doing is making the books more interactive, and for PG's book we'll be adding video clips from the interview. Unfortunately Kindle doesn't have an easy way to provide existing customers an update, but if you did buy the book, please email me ( and I'll share it with you.
Also, if you have knowledge on any topic that people would pay to learn more about, and want to create a beautiful, high-quality eBook to share that knowledge, please reach out to me - we're actively recruiting authors. A big thing of ours is sharing a lot of the content for free, it's not purely altruistic since that's great for building loyalty and traffic too. Thanks!
Kevin, Founder of Hyperink
PS Right now has almost nothing on it, we'll be launching a marketplace for our eBooks and our authors in the next 2 weeks
Considering that you're the publisher, what is your response to this review? The third and fourth points, specifically, seem to contradict your claim that you publish "beautiful, high-quality eBook[s]."
Also, thanks a ton for the feedback - we're updating the product description on Nook and Kindle so that it's clear that the content is from Andrew's interview.
great article, elad. i actually prefer working for a longer period of time together, like a week, pay for their time and have a specific goal/project in mind, to get a mutually better sense of what the day to day is like.