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A couple of quotes from OA with a personal 'translation'

"GCHQ told Sullivan that Sidebottom "had a small but dedicated following" among its staff."

Couple of people do Sidebottom dialogues as an in-joke to the extent that it begins to annoy co-workers.

"[After random outer triangles explained] 'Right, we've cracked it during a light-hearted training exercise.'"

Took a couple of minutes as a starter in a session.

PS: I use a Playfair style grid to jumble up my pass phrases to try to make them less susceptible to rainbow table attack. Am I wasting my time?

Forgive me but;

You know you are, you really are.

Age and education selection when comparing HN with general population.

Pop up to Liverpool one day and see what you think. Best when it isn't raining and the wind isn't too strong.

Bold Street and Jamaica Street might be good starting points, then there is Renshaw Street and the Baltic area.

> Best when it isn't raining and the wind isn't too strong.

So.... never then?

I have years of sunburn to prove that the Mersey can be warmer than Spain...you just have to pick your times.

Quote from OA

"The first journey is a bus from the south of the city, Stirchley to, Birmingham. This 3.5 mile journey takes about 20 minutes between 6am and 7am, and about 40 minutes between 8am and 9am."

That would be the school run. To test my hypothesis, I'm going to try to run the results during a school holiday in a bit.

Very pleased someone has actually done what I have often thought about (but done nothing about) while standing at the 97 bus stop in the rain early in the morning... getting the data from the departure system. I wonder how I can get my hands on a sample of the data...

Using common goods to finance tax cuts is a conservative party policy and it has been mentioned in their manifestos, although not in bald terms.

They could therefore argue for a mandate for the policy.

With tongue-in-cheek apologies to Thatcher, the problem with capitalism in the UK is that you eventually run out of public assets to sell off :)

Education and the health service (think buildings and land as assets for the latter) are the two remaining ones apart from something like the road system. I'm sure they will try these soon.

Didn't they already have a shot at education? That whole Academies mess. Although the master plan to make every school an "academy" [0] was shot down days after it was announced.

[0] This is a weird, UK government definition of the word. Don't think Plato.

UK, non-government public sector, very senior people still have secretaries - often described as personal assistants. The PAs handle interfacing and information flow, the senior people can get on with the thinking.

A PA is not a secretary years ago I worked on organising a large event and one of the committee member was the PA to the county fire chief.

She was awesome, at the first meeting she had worked out from previous years all the key things the other members of the committee needed to do - written all the letters and handed them to us to sign.

That sounds exactly like a secretary.


Publication records help to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Spiral curriculum is actually a widely used concept in teaching...


UK 1976 I was doing a computer science O level at the local technical college (Wednesday afternoon release from my school). There was a 19" rack modem with accoustic coupler on the front and a dial to dial the number. That was connected to a teletypewriter. We did some BASIC 'interactive' programming (the main projects used coding sheets).

The system was vulnerable to thunder storms I remember (line noise). All good fun.

I rember my first Job (based at Cranfield Uni) and we where a long way away from the Exchange - Some times you had to whistle into the acoustic coupler to get the carrier to pickup then quickly put the hand set in.

May3 as dead as the Monty Python parrot.

Odds of no deal being offered 2/1, as is 2019 referendum

Fri Mar 29 17:34:54 GMT 2019

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