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> they’re better at bullshitting engineers to their face.

Why did you call me out?

If you work in a team that requires lots of collaboration, you might not get to restructure work.

Can people call you or message you to clarify what you just now pushed at 11pm? Do you respond immediately? Let's say you do immediately because you restructure your night time as your best work time, does that mean you're automatically exempt from 8am meetings in a few hours?

Come to think of it. Pushing code at 11pm is not that unusual even pre-covid, but the expectation for the associated communication might be totally different.

There is a Chrome extension named Ad Nauseam. Was arguably but ultimately blocked by Google extension store. I still manually install and use it.

Amazon could do A-B tests on this. This might just earn them more money instead.

How do they get the information, though? Oblige resellers to put it on? Who then proceed to lie about it? It's just the "fake commingling" problem all over again.

I think it’s off.

It felt like saying “the velocity of distance”

Exactly where I got confused when only reading the title. After reading the article to realize it’s about the density of matter.

But what a concept though, how can a space-time be denser than any other? I’m not versed in this, maybe it can?

Stock exchanges earn major share of their profit from processing the orders.

They just lost at least a whole day of revenue.

After compiling some number for their annual report[1], I would say the loss from TSE revenue alone is roughly 2 million USD. But considering the effect trickling down the revenue stream where other security partners whose revenue depends on earning transaction fees, I would say the real damage would be many folds of that 2 million loss from TSE.

[1]: https://www.jpx.co.jp/english/corporate/investor-relations/i...

More or less by definition, this won't impact their yearly bottom line by more than 0.3% (at least to within first order). Which is quite a bit, but it still seems super minor. Just like 2 million. Isn't that peanuts for a stock exchange?

Agreed that 2 million USD is not much compared to total revenue.

However, you see, TSE YoY growth from 2017 to 2018 is roughly 4 million USD. Growth is hard as it is for TSE, leaving money on the table like this time definitely hurts.

I read it just now.

It seems that the massive part missed is that AWS claims Trump screwed with AWS.

That's what I was referring to. I added it to my comment to make it less snarky.

If Ne-ga is followed by other nouns, it becomes more like "that.....that...tha..." or "the...the...the"

context is being purposefully ignored here though.

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