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> Most fundamentally, if you want to raise your children without, for instance, an emphasis on educational attainment, you should have the right to do so.

Perhaps that's true if you believe that parents should be the only ones responsible for their children's fate, but that puts a lot of power in parents' hands and doesn't leave much with the kids themselves.

I think there's a middle ground between complete standardization and complete reliance on one or two individuals that prevents the worst outcomes, although it may also prevent some of the best possible outcomes. But generally getting input from a number of different sources is a good thing, and even if "authority" may not be great at comprehensive development of varied individuals, it can still set minimum standards and make sure the child isn't entirely subject to their parents' whims.

Using authority to take power over their own children away from parents isn't something I'm sure I'm onboard with. I think it suggests a long conversation about the philosophy of cooperation and coexistence that may exceed the depth limit of this forum :)

Edit: More generally, parents are responsible to a large degree for their children's fate, as the importance of domestic environment in the research repeatedly shows. The question is what (if anything) we should do about this, exactly?

Edit 2: Come to think of it, using authority over parents in this way could constitute cultural genocide, for instance as it was perpetrated by the Canadian residential school system. Funny how casually it can be suggested.

> Using authority to take power over their own children away from parents isn't something I'm sure I'm onboard with.

Just in case you have not noticed, we do that nowadays, to combat child abuse. Giving parents 100% unrestricted power over their children would enable horrific child abuse, selling your children for slavery etc ... Funny how casually it can be suggested.

The answer lies in the middle, as the parent post suggested :)

If we connect the dots, it seems you're suggesting that raising children with different values, values that may not set them up for optimal economic outcomes, constitutes child abuse and should be actioned as such. I disagree. This was also the case made by the residential school system, just by the way.

Child abuse is pretty well bounded and defined. Ranking of cultural values is certainly not.

Shockingly, years of continued development can indeed resolve a lot of issues with software.

Not only development of PA itself.

Since the message that PA was here to stay was received, everyone got the point that the only way forward was to fix all the buggy audio drivers. It's no surprise, that it helped. Sure, it sucked for the affected users at the time, but in the long run, we all are better off.

I believe it's because we know who is now concentrating on systemd. Maybe in 2080 that will be flawless too. Even usable perhaps? :)

The T14s Gen 3 is apparently using Qualcomm wifi chips instead of MediaTek or Intel this time around, it seems likely that we'll see the same for the X13 Gen 3 as well.

Interesting! If Qualcomm means actually WiFI chips from Atheros this could mean good WiFi and good Linux drivers. Atheros has a good reputation, it is just Qualcomms ARM and GPUs drivers which are problem.

Perhaps not, but they can sell their crypto reserves to other actors who are in a position to exchange them, for stuff that's actually useful to them.

No relation to this project. Just wanted to chime in to say that KDE's Kate editor pulled its Flatpak because the sandboxing makes much of the system integration (terminal, git, language servers) hard or impossible.

A Flatpak may have to ship with an independent copy of a lot of basic developer tools, and even then I don't know whether I want two different versions of git access the same local repository with a chance of incompatible repository formats.

Yeah, I've run into this issue with Flatpak & Kate. (I think it was specifically the Flathub Kate Flatpak that was pulled?)

FWIW I was recently able to get a "passable" but not ideal Rust/LSP/Rust-Analyzer/Cargo setup mostly functional via use of the kate build plugin and e.g `flatpak-spawn --host cargo build`...

...and... `flatpak-spawn --host cargo run | sed --unbuffered 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g'`.

Excuse the cough. :D (It was necessary to remove the ANSI colour codes produced by some logging library the project used.)

(My preference would be to use AppImage but unfortunately recent Kate AppImage versions have a hang-on exit bug.)

I'm having the same issue with the Visual Studio Code (Flatpak). I want to use the compilers, interpreters and tools from the host, not whatever it's provided by the Flatpak or the runtimes from flathub/gnome, if it's provided at all.

I'd like to note that Microsoft is doing no better with DirectX. If it weren't for the drivers on Windows being distributed and supported by the GPU manufacturers themselves, Vulkan would only be a thing for Linux (incl. Android) and custom niche devices now.

Here's AMD's attempt: https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIPIFY

Naturally, the HIP tooling doesn't support M1 GPUs at this time. We'll see if anyone else tries.

React was doing the right thing for sure, and perhaps in a more principled way than Qt in terms of state propagating downwards and events bubbling up. (CSS still makes layouts unreasonably complex imho.)

But also, React is doing things that desktop GUIs had figured out years ago. It did a really good job at distilling the essence into something useful. Angular started the trend of finally moving towards state-driven views. Kudos to all of these developers for making web development less sucky.

To label it as a new thing that nobody else had done before though, that's going a bit far. New on the web, sure. By the time these got introduced, I had been waiting for years for a web framework that incorporates some of the non-web lessons learned. Let's give it lots of credit, but not more than it deserves.

> To label it as a new thing that nobody else had done before though, that's going a bit far... Let's give it lots of credit, but not more than it deserves.

I never claimed it was "first" and I even called out "other frameworks like it." The iPhone was also not the first smartphone.

> CSS still makes layouts unreasonably complex imho.

This we can agree on. Though it could be a lot worse, and some of the newer CSS definitely gets rid of some of the warts. A lot of the bad CSS is mostly the backwards-compatible stuff.

So, transferable yes, but marketable no. I would classify those as different things.

As an alternative to the sibling comment's suggestion, you could try playing some non-grindy games. There's this general expectation that one doesn't get good value out of a game unless there's at least 60 hours of content and probably an ever-challenging multiplayer mode, but dump those AAA expectations and focus on just having a good time.

Pick an indie game or two with a well-defined end point, one that plays in under 20 or even 10 hours. See the sense of finishing and never going back to it makes you feel any differently.

If it doesn't work, you can still leave games by the wayside. I took several years of a break because I just wasn't feeling it, and ended up coming back to video games with a different perspective. It's all good either way, you don't have to force it.

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