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No product I’ve ever worked on has been successful enough to require the optimizations that microservices can provide.

Part of the reason they weren’t successful was because my managers insist on starting with microservices.

Starting with microservices prevents teams from finding product-market fit that would justify microservices.

Congratulations on the launch! I was unable to use this library: I was trying to evaluate different non-OpenAI models and it consistently failed due to malformed JSONs coming from the model.

Any thoughts about using different models? Is this just a langchain limitation?

Thanks for your feedback. We have tested Ragas on alternatives like Claude, Mixtral, Gemini, etc.

Although we support all LLMs supported by Langchain, sadly many of the OSS models out of the box aren't capable of generating JSON-type output which is important for us to ensure reproducibility.

Any tips for Mixtral? That’s what we tried

Hey, I would recommend checking out our PRs. There would be PRs that have modified some of the prompts to better suit Mixtral.

Checkout this instead: https://github.com/confident-ai/deepeval

Also has native ragas implementation but supports all models.

I’m working with a Derek right now. Highly motivated and highly incompetent. Usually it’s one or the other. How do you deal with people like this?

I don't think you can, unfortunately. I've started my own company which does very low revenue at the moment, and that's the only solution I have found - handpicking the whole team from scratch. I've spoken to a few executives and they have convinced me that performance managing someone out of the organization is so difficult that it's basically an empty threat in many countries.

The usual recommendation is to get rid of them https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/02/28/clever-lazy/

Those are some great quotes!

Quarto is great

I used to use it mainly to write unit tests, which is a nice use case because it’s obvious if it gets it wrong. (The test fails.)

One time I had to use the Go protobuff reflection API, and Copilot was actual crucial because the docs are so bad.

Can’t use it in my current role and I feel less productive.

This seems to me like the perfect use case, I’ll have to try using it for unit tests. Are you ever concerned when the AI-written unit test passes that it might be passing incorrectly? Either for the wrong reason, or when it should fail?

This is like how CI forces developers to write better code by nudging us towards good behaviors. Is it annoying sometimes to write well-formatted code with high test coverage? Sure. Is it annoying to drive at the speed limit? Sure. Ultimately, it leads to a better outcome.

If this gets adopted, within 10 years people won’t be able to imagine how we lived without it

It seems like most Americans genuinely believe they have not only a right to break the law when it comes to speed limits, but an obligation to speed. Or at least they drive like it. "I'm following the flow of traffic" as if other people breaking the law makes it OK? They feel like they have to race other cars on the road.

I had several completely "straight edge" friends who were obsessed with morality and would never break any law. Except get in a car with them and they go 10-15 mph over, but obsessively look for cops. If they see one, they go 5-10 mph under the limit. If they get a ticket, to them it wasn't like they did something wrong, they just had bad luck. I like to go the speed limit in the second from the right hand lane, often behind a large 18 wheel truck, put it in cruise control, and mostly watch the cars fly by me. This idea was unthinkable to them, even when they were not in a rush.

>It seems like most Americans genuinely believe they have not only a right to break the law when it comes to speed limits, but an obligation to speed. Or at least they drive like it. "I'm following the flow of traffic" as if other people breaking the law makes it OK?

That seems to be a true sentiment, though[0][1][2]. Deviating significantly from the speed of actual traffic will likely lead to more accidents. Insisting stubbornly on following the letter of the law when it is actually detrimental to safety is not moral; it is merely pedantic. Fiat justitia ruat caelum is not a particularly healthy view of the relationship between the legal system and society.

[0]: https://trid.trb.org/view/306976 (From the abstract: "A major influence on speed variance is the difference between the design speed and the posted speed limit. It was determined that speed variance will approach minimum values if the posted speed limit is between 5 and 10 mph lower than the design speed. Outside this range, speed variance increases with an increasing difference between the design speed and the posted speed limit. It was also found that drivers tend to drive at increasing speeds as the roadway geometric characteristics improve, regardless of the posted speed limit, and that accident rates do not necessarily increase with an increase in average speed but do increase with an increase in speed variance.")

[1]: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1904038 ("A model of the optimal speed limit is developed which explicitly recognizes the role of average speed, speed variance, and the level of enforcement. An unusual result emerges, namely that a higher speed limit may be optimal when reducing the variance in highway speeds reduces accident externalities.")

[2]: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/17098/... ("Separate studies by Solomon (1964) and Cirillo (1968) concluded that, as vehicle speeds deviated from the average speed of the traffic stream, crash involvement rates increased... Studies throughout the 1970s produced findings consistent with the research... For crash severity, higher vehicle operating speeds are associated with more severe crash outcomes. However, the relationship between crash frequency and speed is not as clear. There is some indication that increasing posted speed limits is associated with an increase in expected crash frequency; however, the relationship between operating speed and crash frequency has yet to be well established.")

I’ve been trying to come up with a metaphor to explain the housing crisis in California to my friends in LATAM. Shoes are a pretty good. I want something punchier, though.

> You Don’t Need a Full-Size Pickup Truck, You Need a Cowboy Costume

That’s hilarious

Surprised no one has mentioned AK’s daily paper digest: https://huggingface.co/papers

He also posts summaries on Twitter, or at least he used to but my Twitter account is glitched and I can’t see Tweets anymore

Can someone please use this to improve the skyboxes in the KOTOR games? Please and thank you.

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