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Skybox AI: Use AI to generate 3D worlds (blockadelabs.com)
137 points by gaws on June 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 49 comments

One of the sneakiest EULAs I've seen: https://i.imgur.com/bWR8iw2.png

It's titled "What's New At Blockade Labs", a title which continues to display even when you scroll down and find the terms of service below the news... which is presumably why the button is labeled "Confirm"

The progress bar is also sneaky. It goes to 95% in about a minute, then stays there.

It's based on the algorithm used by the Windows 95 file copy progress bar

I was hoping someone had found a better way than radiance fields to generate actual 3D models. This is creating 360 panoramic images, which are not "3D" unless I'm missing something. Still impressive tech, though.

It is called "skybox" AI, a reference to sky boxes from video games.

It looks like the final image is rendered as a cubemap in the shader. Cubes are technically 3D.

is there a way to export it to geometry with textures?

If a cube or sphere are acceptable geometry, sure.

I do it with heightmaps. It can generate human faces, rocks, planets, terrains, all at high detail. There is no need for attempting to generate 3d models for everything, when you can create “blueprints”.

If you check out their Discord they have tools in (closed I think) beta that generative full 3d scenes. Lots of really cool demos get posted their daily. I'd actually say that as someone using it purely for panorama generation that I'm in the minority of use cases.

Check out https://nerf.studio it can do some mind-bending stuff.

while nerf.studio is impressive, the parent comment is asking about radiance field free methods. NeRF stands for Neural Radiance Fields and all of the algorithms in that repo use radiance fields

Can I make these my office in VR? On the Quest 2?

I found some papers which propose alternative methods (source: https://MirrorThink.ai):

1. Point-NeRF: Point-based Neural Radiance Fields - 2022: This paper presents Point-NeRF, a localized neural representation that combines volumetric radiance fields with point clouds to model complex local scene geometry and appearance. It achieves better rendering quality than NeRF and is more efficient in reconstructing complex and large-scale scenes.

2. TensoRF: Tensorial Radiance Fields - 2022: TensoRF proposes a tensorial radiance field representation that can achieve fast reconstruction and high rendering quality. It is significantly faster than NeRF and many previous methods.

3. GazeNeRF: 3D-Aware Gaze Redirection with Neural Radiance Fields - 2022: GazeNeRF incorporates 3D awareness with gaze redirection by applying a rotation matrix to the disentangled eyeball feature maps. It represents a static scene with multi-layer perceptrons and maps the 3D positions and viewing directions to a density and radiance for generating novel views with volume rendering.

[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.04823

[2] https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09517

[3] https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08845

@dang this account appears to be low effort ai generated spam presumably to promote MirrorThink.ai (look at the past comments)

Regardless this answer does not responded to the parent comment's question at all since all of these papers are about radiance fields.

This is an example of using a simple AI technique (stable diffusion) and really getting the most out of it. It's really just a clever execution and presentation of what is now just about the most commonly deployed type of generative AI.

As opposed to what I am doing, trying to write a whole program from scratch, probably the most complex and difficult to pull off application of AI. It's quite challenging to explain what you want and get a functioning attractive output. Also to run arbitrary backend code I need to deploy VMs which are relatively expensive. People don't seem interested in paying for my website.

So right now I am trying to think of something similar to my original idea but maybe easier to accomplish successfully and with less work for the user.

Maybe if I can finally do a good job with filling web page templates that is what I should start with. Because even if it can synthesize code for some unique requirement, the fact that the web pages it outputs don't look attractive is probably making it hard for people to understand that it's useful.

But basically I think this blockade thing is a good lesson for me if I can find a way to adapt a similar approach to what I have been trying to do.

I gave it this prompt, which I didn't spend any time refining, and it came up with a world that does a pretty good job of matching it.

> A world made of very strong rock that has lots of rain. The rain contains acid, which wears the rock down. There is lots of soil, but it s in very thin layers because the world is relatively new.


My prompt was simpler and the results are pretty cool. It didn't get "sky as the ground", though.


I prompted it "small heavily forested islands in rough seas" and it gave me one large forested land area in snow, with a bunch of rocky treeless islands in calm water. <shrug>

My optimistic excitement is gradually wavering as I wait onward of 3 minutes for the first image to generate.

To be fair, the demo skybox was quite good. If I was a one man studio, I'd be willing to pay for and wait for well made sky boxes.

I seen a demo of related (same?) tech running in real time in VR by gradually updating the map in patches while you ask for changes.

Mine was stuck until I toggled the "Auto-pan skybox" setting and it appeared.

It's hugged by HN crowd so maybe tomorrow lol.

The progress bar stuck in the end in my case.

I gave up waiting after 20 minutes...

I gave up after 7 minutes.

It seems to be down now.

Serious question: How is this tool free? Are they burning money making it publicly accessible? Or something else? Every other AI gen tool I've seen is pay-per-use.

They're investing their own money to make it famous enough so that in some time it can be turned as a pay per use service. Pretty normal to me.

It's cool, but I think if it accepts image prompts it would be 1000x more useful.

In other words, I'd like to turn my existing images into 3D skyboxes.

You can interrogate your image here and copy the text: https://huggingface.co/spaces/pharma/CLIP-Interrogator

But theoretically the devs could easily add a more "direct" pipeline with better results. There is a HF diffusers function for encoding input images like they are text prompts.

I'm familiar with interrogation, and image -> interrogation -> t2i will usually generate a completely different image that the original (and it should!), unlike i2i.

Well there is interrogate, there is i2i, and then there is something in between. You encode the image directly into latent space vectors, and it applies the general "style" of the input, much closer than a text prompt would.

I think this is called pix2pix or style transfer.

Skybox Labs makes really great backgrounds, although if you ask it to add people it will try and generate AI monstrosities!

Being able to take the same scene and just change the time of day is really cool, my generative storytelling demonstration site[1] uses that feature to show the passage of time.

My largest wish is that generation wasn't so slow. I get their main use case is actually generating 3d environments that can be navigated around (and their Discord has some cool examples of early adopters using it for just that!) but I just need fast generation of panoramas!

Really what it comes down to is that OpenAI and their obscene levels of funding have made everyone used to AIs that give results almost instantly, but smaller scrappier startups cannot afford to buy a large % of the world's GPU supply.

[1] https://www.generativestorytelling.ai

I love a good redwood forest bath, so I generated this: https://skybox.blockadelabs.com/d4a5d5f9050670414b99a76b6d68...

Is this Skybox also related? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35619119 Is 'Skybox' a term of art in 3D graphics or is it polluted namespace?

Skyboxes are used in 3D games. They are usually made of images plastered to the inside of a cube that is larger than the game area, with the player at the center. It makes the game area appear larger than it really is, because clouds, mountains and buildings appear far away.


It’s the term for the image used for the sky in a 3D environment.

Can someone please use this to improve the skyboxes in the KOTOR games? Please and thank you.

Love this, we already covered it a couple weeks ago on AI Daily.


As the founder of Ayvri which made 3D virtual worlds/digital twins of outdoor sports events and other scenic flythroughs, I love seeing this.

Part of me loves it because I recall telling VCs about 5 years ago that we would be increasing the resolution of our 3D worlds, and making more engaging by using AI to enhance the 3D world we had already built.

I got laughed at, and told that I didn't know what I was talking about. This was pre-facebook getting into the metaverse, and I was labelling it "spatial media".

Even with customers and revenue, nobody wanted to have anything to do with us.

We sold the technology and our patents last year, as the team had moved onto bigger and better things, but I love seeing how well this future is progressing.

This is very cool, which is why I'm so annoyed by the onboarding modals. Don't take away focus from what the user is currently messing with to show them a wall of text. Use tooltips.

Neat scenery, but seems incapable of much specificity.

It would be nice if it generate Oculus(Meta) Quest Home environment :)

Anyway, still wait for someone to make real 3D scenes generator (so we can import to UE5).

Pair this with VR for a fun afternoon

Complete waste of electricity.

Proportions are out of whack.

You can't use this for anything.

this + oculus = you can play god

Hm... Should try. I generated with depth=on. Interesting... BTW, do we need some external tool which can work with depth-file for an image?

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