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One use-case I always try is to have an AI try to read a school calendar image where days off are or days of interest are highlighted using a legend. i.e.: days with a square, circle or triangle or different color, etc.

When asking days for specific days of interest for the school year, AIs always struggle. They get some days right but forget some or fabulate new days. They fare a bit better if you remove some of the noise and give them only a picture of a month but even then, it's unreliable.

The comparison isn't exactly fair. I love my Tesla and won't go back but if I'm not mistaken when leasing other brands you can buyback the car at the end of the term which isn't the case when leasing a Tesla.

Oh believe me it will be the case. EV technology is moving so fast and as a result ev depreciation is so high they will be glad to sell you the car after two to three years, even if the contract does not currently provide for it.

Perhaps they do not want to put it in the contract now because they have some increasingly desperate robotaxi dreams, but it is clear to me that the robotaxi aint happening with the current hardware, and in a couple of years even elon will have to admit that.

> EV technology is moving so fast and as a result ev depreciation is so high they will be glad to sell you the car after two to three years

Doesn’t this imply even-faster falling prices for ICE vehicles? We’re nowhere close to the Norwegian death spiral [1], but at 7.3% of sales growing at 2.6 percentage points YoY from a 1% base [2] we’re 5 years from their 20% fleet penetration rate [3], which implies a lot of gas cars being sold today will be scrapped versus resold. (I own a gas car. I expect to drive it until write off / they start penalty taxing gas.)

[1] https://electrek.co/2023/10/20/cratering-motor-fuel-sales-in...

[2] https://caredge.com/guides/electric-vehicle-market-share-and...

[3] https://europe.autonews.com/automakers/evs-now-make-20-norwa...

The cheap leases for EV's from other brands ($250/month for a Hyundai EV6 is a steal) rely on high residuals. So even if you can buy the vehicle back at the end of the lease there's a good chance you won't want to.

With the exorbitant cost of changing out the batteries once they crap out, unless you planned to replace the car anyway by that point, it seems like leasing EVs would be the ideal solution. Drive it for the lease period, then when the time comes for the batteries to get replaced, someone else is footing that ~20k bill.

I've owned an EV for 7 years, ignored the recommendations (I charge to 100%, use fast chargers, etc) and the degradation is like 5-10% over those 7 years.

I think most EVs are more likely to be totaled by a crash than have their batteries replaced due to wear or defect.

Far more likely the battery outlasts the car than the rest of the car outlasts the battery.

For my Mazda I got a fair-market estimate price at the time of lease signing. Tesla doesn't allow you to buy a used Model 3? If so, why is it they won't let you buy your used model 3?

I think I read they expect to want the cars back to feed their robo taxi dreams.

That may all be a huge swindle. This person seems to be tracking it well:


"The Robotaxi Repo Theory: Tesla overstated S/X sales in 2018 using new lease accounting methods, however this led to large 1Q19 writeoff. To avoid further writeoffs, TSLA declares cars appreciating assets in 2Q19, allowing collateralized borrowing to be considered sales."

As a developer/CTO who's use-case when travelling is just being able to take care of emergencies if something present itself I wanted to do away from bringing a laptop in vacation. Since I develop using Docker, my solution is basically an EC2 machine I can fire if needed that has VSCode installed as a server running in a browser with Docker installed in the same machine. Basically a cloud dev environment available in the browser.

It's amazing how it all works well, even the Docker integration inside VSCode. The main thing that doesn't work as well as locally is searching the source code which is very slow. A work-around would be to search your code separately in Github or whatever service you use.

Anyway, with this setup, I can go away with a clear mind that I have a dev machine available even if I only bring my iPad (with keyboard cover).

I trialed a similar set up with code-server for a few weeks, and was shocked at how well it works, provided stable and fast internet access.

Although VSCode is impressive, at the end of the day, I'm an emacser. I went back to: emacs in a terminal over mosh, accessed with Blink Shell on the iPad; or access the same instance over Microsoft Remote Desktop for a desktop experience.

emacs in a Blink terminal over mosh is still my goto; I haven't found a better solution yet. It's surprisingly effective, and being able to access it instantly over the cell network of my iPad Pro is awesome for dealing with emergencies/little changes while I'm traveling.

Who says an attacker auth Web site cannot ask for the MFA code behind the scenes and supply it? Problem is no one, especially Twilio employees shouldn't never click and never trust any link they receive from trusted or untrusted source. They should use the links they already have bookmarked.

For properly implemented MFA (FIDO/U2F tokens) an attacker-spoofed website can't ask for the code behind the scenes - i.e. they can ask, but they'll get a code that won't work on the proper site.

Not sure about MFA with a USB key but for the sake of the argument, if they are using App-based MFA as their own Authy, I would think a headless browser in the backend of the fake site accessing the proper site on behalf of the real user would do the trick. It asks the code for the user on the real site and the user replies on the fake site and the fake site supplied the real code to the real site. The only thing needed is that the user gets and supply the code that was asked on their behalf to the fake site.

> properly implemented MFA (FIDO/U2F tokens)

Is what you're responding to, and such an attack cannot work with them. The parent comment already clearly understands the flaws of Authy, you don't need to talk through it.

I'll try to explain the key difference between totp and webauthn style flows, as it relates to security here.

Conceptually, you can think of it as the hardware token (the yubikey or whatever) gets the site domain name the user is on from a trusted source (the browser), and then sends back a secret that is specific to that hardware device and domain. If they're on the real site, the token sends the right secret, but the attacker can't intercept it since it's sent directly between the local browser and usb device. If they're on a fake site, the secret will only work for that fake domain, not the real one, so the attacker can't forward it and have it work.

Many large tech companies use hardware tokens of this sort now, and for a company of twilio's size it's quite reasonable to expect that they provide such a token to employees and mandate using it when accessing customer data.

No, MITM does not circumvent that, unless you can MITM the TLS connection and convince the browser (not the user) that you're actually connecting to the proper domain, e.g. hacked private keys or malicious CA issuing fake certs, which is quite rare.

For U2F, there is no possibility for a user mistakenly approving one site's challenge on another site, if the challenge request is coming from (and the response would be sent to) https://badsite.com, then any challenge that's not for https://badsite.com would be automatically rejected by the browser even before asking the user anything. (This is the type that is usually implemented through a USB key.)

Congratulations! Your story is very inspiring.

There's a reason why I don't install any extension except a password manager.

That's why I don't give my mobile number to any mobile service. Heck, I don't even give it to my service providers. I use Twilio phone numbers as a filter to transfer voice or texts without using my real number.

Very touching story.

I'm remembering one of the first touching stories of an influential MMORPG gamer disappearing because of her dead: A story known as "A Story About a Tree":


It's in the linked page, but the story was not actually true

Wow. Never realized that. I remember reading about this on the official site and there was actually a tree with a memorial in the game.

But perhaps it was unrelated.


I was a bit unclear. There was an actual memorial created. There was no evidence found that the user Karyn was a real woman who passed away. (The theory put forth in the news article was that it was a male role playing as a female).

> ...rather they fear that it will result in them receiving worse care.

In Canada, we have free healthcare. If you have the money you still can go private if you think you'll get a better care.

But I guarantee you won't go private for hearth surgery. There's not market for it because the care you get is already the best in the public sector.

I'm Canadian and as far as I know you don't have a private option in most provinces. The only option is to travel to the United States and pay for it yourself.


This is correct. Canada's single payer system means doctors can't work in both the public and private systems. They have to choose one over the other.

There has been plenty of efforts put into allowing private clinics outside of the public system, but they have all been shutdown.

It should also be noted that this arrangement in Canada is not typical of other countries with universal healthcare. There's more than one way to skin this particular cat; Canada just gets unduly much attention in the debate because of its proximity, and the "Canadians waiting in endless lines come to US for treatment" conservative meme.

On the other hand, one thing that is usually ignored about Canadian healthcare when it's discussed in US, is the fact that it's run by provinces. Feds are involved, and most federal money that goes to healthcare comes with strings attached wrt how the resulting healthcare system should look; but ultimately the decision of how (and whether) to run healthcare is down to provinces.


Furthermore, that system didn't come up all at once - a single province tried it first, and it had proven popular enough that other provinces gradually adopted it. Once it was sufficiently widespread, the federal government stepped in.

Given that federalism in US is more developed than in Canada, I don't understand why this isn't the approach advocated by most adherents here. If Saskatchewan could organize healthcare all by itself back in the day, surely so can California, New York etc.

All good points.

However, I’d take issue with federalism being more developed in the US than Canada. In my experience, the federal gov’t wields much more power in Canada than the US.

However, your point stands that nothing is stopping the states from creating their own system. In fact, a few like CA and VT have proposed such arrangements, but they always fell through once the cost was apparent.

> However, I’d take issue with federalism being more developed in the US than Canada. In my experience, the federal gov’t wields much more power in Canada than the US.

Federalism being more developed means exactly that - that regions have more power relative to the center. The stronger the central government is, the less federalism, and the more country is a unitary state rather than a federation.

At least in Quebec and I know in other provinces, you have private medical clinics for medical consultations.

When it comes to surgeries, then they refer you to the public services.

To hell with profitability. I'm infinitely glad my son's right to live wasn't an option or a choice. Today he's an healthy 7 normal years old Canadian who had the top infant cardiac surgeons in the world for multiple surgeries.

So, yes, the government. It may not be monetarily profitable but money shouldn't matter to build a humane society.

Single payer system still make financial decisions about who gets care and who doesn't.

"It's crazy that I live in Canada, but now I'm looking at having to sell my house for coverage of my medication."[1]


That doesn't seem to be the issue:

> Helen Anderson, provincial lead for systemic therapy for the BC Cancer Agency, said that Ibrance is currently under active review for coverage in B.C.

Does help her much right now, does it?

There are several expensive medications that the Canadian health system has elected not to cover.

Here is another example where if the husband didn't have drug coverage through his employer, he would have been on the hook for the entire cost. Eventually he had to shell out $3,000 per month.[1]

At first, he says, his company insurance covered the price of the drug. But years later – Gary’s employer changed insurers and he was now on the hook to pay more than $3,000 a month.


> Does help her much right now, does it?

No, but if that's the standard, I'm fairly certain we can find a lot more "no insurance, couldn't get treatment at all" stories in the US than we can "Canadian needs unusual, not-yet-approved medication" ones.

> There are several expensive medications that the Canadian health system has elected not to cover.

You'll find the American medical system does the same.



All medical systems will have rules and timelines for approval of drugs and procedures. Sometimes they'll lead to unfortunate situations.

In the US, though, approval's just the first step. You might then have to scrape together the $6k deductible for your family's bronze plan. You might have to wait until next year to switch insurers to one who covers that particular med.

Commercial insurers in the US cover far more new and experimental treatments than the Canadian system does. The drug mentioned in the CBC article? Full coverage in the US, from the day of approval.

Covered in Canada? Maybe never. And that's one of the best drugs out there to treat that type of cancer.

I'm not arguing the US system is better than Canada's. Just calling out there are trade offs with single payer systems. If American's think they can move to a single payer system and keep all the bells and whistles they have now, they will be deeply disappointed.

And your 2nd link actually proves my point. The drug in the article is not covered in many Canadian provinces at all. The guy in the article is being denied the drug because it's not approved for his mutation. Most people with the correct mutation do get coverage for that drug (again, a new, state of the art drug).

> Covered in Canada? Maybe never.

Sure, but that's true in the US here, too.

No insurance? No med. ERs aren't gonna give you it.

Can't make your $6k bronze plan deductible? No med. Maybe you'll qualify for a patient assistance program from the drug company, maybe not.

> If American's think they can move to a single payer system and keep all the bells and whistles they have now, they will be deeply disappointed.

It's entirely possible to have a supplemental private health insurance system for the experimental or unapproved stuff. You can get private coverage for stuff like IVF in Australia, for example.

A lot of America's bells and whistles are already inaccessible to a large portion of the population.

> And your 2nd link actually proves my point. The drug in the article is not covered in many Canadian provinces at all. The guy in the article is being denied the drug because it's not approved for his mutation. Most people with the correct mutation do get coverage for that drug (again, a new, state of the art drug).

As the article mentions, the insurer approved their sibling with the same mutation for the same medication. Private insurance can be just as capricious as a single-payer's approval system.

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