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The cheap leases for EV's from other brands ($250/month for a Hyundai EV6 is a steal) rely on high residuals. So even if you can buy the vehicle back at the end of the lease there's a good chance you won't want to.

With the exorbitant cost of changing out the batteries once they crap out, unless you planned to replace the car anyway by that point, it seems like leasing EVs would be the ideal solution. Drive it for the lease period, then when the time comes for the batteries to get replaced, someone else is footing that ~20k bill.

I've owned an EV for 7 years, ignored the recommendations (I charge to 100%, use fast chargers, etc) and the degradation is like 5-10% over those 7 years.

I think most EVs are more likely to be totaled by a crash than have their batteries replaced due to wear or defect.

Far more likely the battery outlasts the car than the rest of the car outlasts the battery.

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