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The car prototype reminded me of Spy Hunter graphics, but I couldn't remember that NES game's name at first. Sent me on a nice nostalgia dive!

Just wanted to say thanks for bringing this up! So far it is a really interesting tool for me, as someone too lazy to find a proper financial planner

> In 2024, everyone looking for a code editor knows how to extract a tar.gz right?

I'll raise my hand and say I still get the `tar` terminal command options confused and have to pause and figure out the file format I'm dealing with and the options. So, no, I usually don't know, and have to look it up in the manpage/help. "Was it -xvfz for this one? Shit I just did this recently..."

You don't even need a terminal if you can't remember the options. Extracting an archive is done by any half decent file manager.

I think I read they expect to want the cars back to feed their robo taxi dreams.

That may all be a huge swindle. This person seems to be tracking it well:


"The Robotaxi Repo Theory: Tesla overstated S/X sales in 2018 using new lease accounting methods, however this led to large 1Q19 writeoff. To avoid further writeoffs, TSLA declares cars appreciating assets in 2Q19, allowing collateralized borrowing to be considered sales."

I don't recall a ball, but they dropped a feather and a hammer (the gravity experiment).


The 3rd para talks about the (golf) balls.

Spherical hammer in the vacuum is a ball.

Golf ball

I helped write what might be a similar API gateway prototype in rails (made a DB query and decorated downstream requests with auth/role/etc headers). You might have threadpool/process/concurrency tuning to do. Even then, I don't think rails is a good solution for what is essentially an HTTP proxy, and I would've pushed for a different tool if time wasn't an issue. Rails was fast to build, I'll give it that. We ended up getting downstream service to $1M ARR so rails wins out against my "let me write it in XYZ language/framework" again somehow.

This is the point I wanted to make. Rails is great for some problems, not great at others. I can tell you for example that it's not great at transforming 2MB of JSON into a differently structured 2MB of JSON.

Came to upvote this. I think that github component in particular worked really well for me on a recent experiment. Server-rendered HTML can use custom components in our fancy world today! It's a feel-good place to be compared to just a decade ago imo.

if you're in rails, then in my experience you just add `safe-pg-migrations` gem and call it a day :D

I'll throw out the the GTFS transit standard involves publishing zipped CSVs representing your DB tables regularly. There are nice things about it and downsides IMO. This is how google map's transit directions function -- they rely on agencies to publish their schedules regularly in zipped CSVs I think.

One downside is that dev experience is pretty bad in my opinion. It took me years of fiddling in my free time to realize that if you happen to try to use the CSVs near a schedule change, you don't know what data you're missing, or that you're missing data, until you go to use it. My local agency doesn't publish historical CSVs so if you just missed that old CSV and need it, you're relying on the community to have a copy somewhere. Similarly, if a schedule change just happened but you failed to download the CSV, you don't know until you go to match up IDs in the APIs.

I still have my OG backlit kindle. It's showing its age with a tiny tear that lets backlight through, but I'm still pushing through books on it. I'd be curious how these newer E-ink displays have improved, wonder what the refresh rate (hz?) is on them.

From what I know the improvement is minor but noticable. There is less ghosting, a bit more contrast and it's more reactive to the touch. The newer models can even play videos half decently (i.e. you can somewhat understand what's going on on the screen)

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