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Same, I’m terribly disappointed that I can’t simply walk on the moon. Parents generation really dropped the fuckin ball there eh

I don't recall a ball, but they dropped a feather and a hammer (the gravity experiment).


The 3rd para talks about the (golf) balls.

Spherical hammer in the vacuum is a ball.

Golf ball

> Parents generation really dropped the … ball there

Really probably your grandparents or great grandparents depending on your age. Most Americans born after the moon landings had boomer or gen-x parents. All the men who walked on the moon and the majority of those in high office until roughly the 1990s were silent generation, the GI generation or older. They’re the ones who had the power to keep the space program going but didn’t. Once your parents had significant influence the Apollo program was long gone, the know how to build the hardware was gone, they would have had an even harder time than us rebuilding it because the commercial impetus wasn’t there and we didn’t yet have insane internet billionaires competing for launch contracts.


In between the Greatest Generation and Gen X - "Baby Boomer" was a name, but Destructive Generation seems to fit pretty well.

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