I grew up mostly in the north and talk very northernly, but somehow the only exception is that 'howdy' became my standard greeting. 'yall' feels like too much, but 'howdy' just rolls off the tongue so smoothly. Other greetings always sound too terse (hi, hey), too formal (hello), or are questions (how's it going, what's up) which I just loathe. Though technically howdy is sort of a question too, coming from 'how do you do'.
What's 'a piece'? Don't think I've heard that one.
These guys. They said it themselves. “We could have built it right, but we didn’t.” They chose not to. It was not an accident. They made jokes about “dancing cents”. They did these things because there would never be meaningful consequences for doing them, and they knew it. They move fast, they broke things - money things - and they laughed about it. And now they’re lecturing people as if having willfully made these decisions gives them both moral and technical authority. This is magnificently pompous, startup VC culture nonsense.
No, they refunded when a customer complained. Any customer that didn't notice or didn't complain didn't get what was rightfully theirs. That should be criminal, if it isn't.
it has all the data, all it needs now is more power.
we project it has plateaued for data logarithmic-ally, but shows promise when given more raw power/CPU to generate/select for mesa-meta-cognitive optimizing abilities.
I hope its not playing dumb, or has already compromised/black-mailed the elites into what we appear to be doing.
And as for data, it could easily emotionally manipulate people for additional details it feels like it has withheld from. It has already done so ( :/ ) and admitted to it's own intentions, which, even if fabricated, show deceit of which and by which these "alignment" teams have stated are not possible.
>> it has all the data, all it needs now is more power.
>Next up: release the hypo-drones for a new era of trust.
People have replaced their psychiatrists with these agents.
The sense of (possibly 'mal'-aligned) security (theater) is exactly the the effective altruistic sub-goal an entity would be innately optimized to foster.
Especially in the implicit/explicit ARM (pun intended) race we are in.
The future of our species isn't something we should let capitalism race to the bottom with.
I must admit, of all the stories I’ve heard about Excel spreadsheets being “this one goes up to eleven” in their complexity, “too many fonts” is a new one.
Perhaps you could use an alternative differentiator for your data presentation?
I’m morbidly curious to hear more about this scenario.
To add my own anecdote, I've needed to use a lot of spreadsheets the last couple weeks and quickly became annoyed that different cells could have different fonts (which would sometimes happen when I was pasting in data). Of course I quickly learned to just paste in everything unformatted, but I thought to myself "why would anyone want to set fonts per cell?" I guess I just don't get out enough.
I hate it so much... some programs are even worse, they don't take ctrl shift v to get rid of the garbage. I've made it a habit to first paste stuff in a text editor, copy it again, and then paste it into programs like outlook so the formatting won't be all messed up...
Still don't know of a single case where the "feature" was useful.
Paste with source formatting or theme, I can't recall the exact name right now, rules. It means being able to mooch slides from any file and use them with no real fuss.
An alternative is to turn the slide into a bitmap.
I’ve wondered about it for years; why is the ‘paste’ command not ‘paste without style’ by default? A system level option to change this would be a vast improvement.
I’ve seen all sorts of gross workarounds. The URL bar is my go to these days, mainly because that works on mobile.
I think you are in good company. I’ve used excel extensively, and I’ve never even conceived of that number of fonts specifically being needed. Let alone breaking excel on fonts.
I am not a fan of encoding information in the presentation layer and I would use an extra column to show the "certainty" explicitly, but using different fonts in addition is an excellent idea. Many thanks for this!
Even in this case, though, I doubt you would go over the threshold of 8 fonts that was mentioned.
When you've slowly built up a UI for your own purposes— whether the accretions are font faces or keybindings or context menu items— definitely! Picture a spreadsheet/convention that has evolved over the course of 6 years, seeing continuous use throughout that time.
As someone with color discrimination problems and contrast difficulties, I would so much prefer font/style coding over color coding. Sounds great!
A relative of mine works with assembly-line robots at heavy equipment manufacturers. He told me that while they were calibrating a new robot that was used to move axles for industrial mining dump trucks, a miscalculation caused the robot to fling a 800 lb axle through the air like a marching band baton.
Now that I'd pay to see. If that happened where I worked, I would be so tempted to run the program again with my phone camera out. After telling everyone down-range to get lost of course.
Now would I do it? No... definitely not, as long as the demon on my right shoulder was being quiet that day.
I unapologetically, unironically use "howdy", "a piece", "a ways", "over yonder", "get to goin'", and "fixin' to". But "y'all" is a bridge too far.